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Porsche 919 (Notizie)

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We were wondering what Porsche was going to call the model which they will eventually launch to sit in-between the 911 range and their 918 hybrid supercar. Well, we are pretty sure that the name they have just registered with the German patent office, 919, will be the name of that particular car.

We cannot state it for sure, and the fact that 919 is basically 918 plus one would lead us to believe that it is a model which will sit above the 918, and not below it. Still, we will have to wait at least another year, before Porsche confirms and begins teasing their new sports car, which if we have judged this correctly, will blur the lines between sports cars and super cars even more than the current crop of extra-hot 911s are doing.

The model will most likely ditch the rear-engine, placing it further towards the center of the car, for perfect 50/50 weight distribution, despite the fact that the latest 911 (991 and 997) are excellent-driving cars, with predictable and fun handling which is far less scary than you would be fooled into thinking. All we can do now is wait for official confirmation of the tip, which should shed further light on the subject.


Porsche Registers 919 Name - autoevolution

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