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It’s not just Honda that’s using a quick bit of nip and tuck, as Chevrolet has also botched the new Malibu and is having to revisit the styling. Yes, the brand new Malibu sedan that’s also sold globally not has been done wrong.

Of course, we could be Chevy hater, bashing on a car, but the fact of the matter is General Motor CEO Dan Akerson himself told Autonews that sales have been sluggish and they and reviews have been less than stellar.

So in the later part of next year, a 2014 Malibu will be launched with revisions introduced just a year and a half after the debut of the car.

"We are going to do a midcycle enhancement, not dramatic, by this time next year," Akerson told the aforementioned source. "I think it's a good car. It'll do OK. It is a tough segment and it's one we need to be successful in. We'll see how it plays out."

So how bad is the situation? Well, when the new model year started rolling out in September and October, sales actually fell by 3 percent.

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