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Audi Announces Digital Radio Will Be Standard on All Cars

Audi's interiors have always been among the best, especially in the compact class where you don't normally expect near-perfect finishes and build. Their latest A3 range of models takes things even further for example, introducing a new MMI screen and a refreshingly clean layout.

For the 2014 model year, Audi has announced a very big improvement that will make their cars much more appealing, especially the smaller ones. From the A1 supermini to the A8, everything will come with standard digital radio, as all will be factory equipped to tune in to Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB).

This not only make the radio-s sound clearer, but it also opens up more radio channels. The official UK governing body Digital Radio UK estimates that on average most listeners will be able to receive 20 more in addition to their FM favorites.

Has anybody bugged you about the name of the song on the radio or were you yourself curious? Digital radio displays this information clearly on the screen along with the name of the artist.

“Quite simply, digital radio improves the ownership experience for our customers, not only in terms of the enhanced clarity and strength of its signal, but also the breadth of station choice and the degree of detail in the information it provides. Our premium in-car audio systems, and especially our outstanding BOSE and Bang & Olufsen upgrades, richly deserve digital broadcast quality, and I am delighted that we can now offer it as standard in the majority of models,” said Director of Audi UK Martin Sander.

Most Audis will be sold with standard digital radian starting in April 2013, though the TT and R8 will get this feature only later in the year. If you've already bought an Audi without DAB, your dealers should have adaptors available for order by July


se in un futuro monteranno il DAB sulle macchine sicuramente anche in italia aumenteranno. se non lo fanno adesso capisco benissimo vista l'auto media italiana, non vale la pena presumo

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