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Bentley Continental Supersports (Notizie)

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Bentley is allegedly working on a new, more powerful Continental Supersportswhich should be out next year.The successor of the first-gen-based 2009 model is likely to arrive in 2014 with a W12 twin-turbo engine tweaked to output 650+ bhp (485+ kW). Aside from the additional horsepower, the new variant will lose some weight thanks to a few carbon fiber panels, composite seats and a stripped-out cabin. Chances are it will forgo its two rear seats and will bring sharper steering and handling, while the body control will be firmer and the exhaust will have a more powerful soundtrack.

While the old one was offered for a limited period of time, the new Continental Supersports will be available long-term in Bentley's lineup and will be slotted between the existing Speed and the GT3 road-legal car based on the GT3 racer both due in 2015.


Prime info sulla futura Supersports, che sarà una facente parte della gamma e non più una limited edition: dovrebbe arrivare l'anno prossimo, avere più di 650Cv e il peso verrà ridotto anche grazie all'aggiunta di parti in fibra di carbonio.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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