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Nissan Micra V (Spy)

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Da quanto BMW usa anche la TA, nel mondo automobilistico sono rimaste poche certezze. Una di quelle è che, in quanto a qualità, l'attuale Micra è una stracciona. :lol:

Motivo per cui, per la prossima generazione stan lavorando duro per ottenere un prodotto di qualità decisamente superiore.

The next generation of the Nissan Micra will aim to win back customers with much-improved interior quality, according to the firm’s executive vice-president, Trevor Mann.The current Micra has suffered because of poor perceived quality. However, Mann believes its successor - due next year and based heavily on the Nissan Sway concept from this year’s Geneva motor show - will be more worthy of the Micra name.

Although he said production of the car could, in theory, return to Nissan’s UK plant in Sunderland, he defended its current base in India.

“I don’t think you can blame India for the perception of quality,” he said. “You’ve got to blame the people who defined the product. The Micra’s not like that because it’s made in India. We have listened to feedback and I think you will see a big difference [in the next one].

“As for Sunderland, it was always a plant that was designed to be flexible. And it can make Micra. The debate is whether it can make it and make sense.”

Mann also said the Micra was likely to grow for its next incarnation - and this could open up room for a new, smaller Nissan city car.

“It’s always a possibility,” he said, “but I think if you look at that segment, there are still not huge volumes in Europe. It’s something that we will continue to study to see if there are opportunities.”


Possibile che la produzione torni a Sunderland

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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si, è da parecchio che si parla di un deciso upgrade per questa generazione di micra

cosa che si dovrebbe proprio tradurre in caratteristiche tipo: finiture, design/aspetto complessivo, accessori/personalizzazioni, comportamento su strada, ecc decisamente più prossima ai livelli della migliore concorrenza....

ad ogni modo circola già da qualche tempo un modello in assetto prototipale ma che comunque non dovrebbe troppo discostarsi da quello che potrebbe essere la versione definitiva e che per quello ho potuto vedere la reputo imho davvero niente male e mi riferisco a questa --> Nissan Sway concept hints at new Micra supermini | Auto Express

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