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  • Maiden flight with no safety pilot onboard performed from Taranto-Grottaglie Airport in Italy
  • This latest achievement provides further evidence of Leonardo’s leading role in Europe in developing ‘unmanned’ air systems 


Leonardo announced today that the SW-4 Solo optionally piloted helicopter successfully completed its maiden flight with no safety pilot onboard at Taranto-Grottaglie Airport (Southern Italy). The aircraft flew for 45 minutes and all systems performed as expected with excellent controllability and handling qualities. Tests included, among others, remote engine start up and shut down with ground run, automatic take-off and landing, hovering OGE (Out of Ground Effect) and acceleration to forward flight, automatic way point navigation to and from the area of operation and simulation of a surveillance mission. The aircraft reached an altitude of 1500 ft and up to 60 knots airspeed during the flight.  


Alessandro Profumo, Leonardo CEO, said “This latest achievement provides further evidence of Leonardo’s leading role in Europe in developing ‘unmanned’ air systems, a sector in which we’re committed to expanding our already significant presence. I would also like to thank Grottaglie Airport and the aviation authorities for their contribution to the successful achievement of this milestone.”


The Solo RUAS/OPH – Rotary Unmanned Air System/Optionally Piloted Helicopter, derived from the SW-4helicopter produced by Leonardo in Poland and equipped with advanced systems and sensors also made by the company in Italy and the UK, is designed to operate with or without a pilot on board. Test campaigns have been held in Grottaglie with a pilot onboard since December 2016, combined with various trials in Poland, in order to verify the aircraft’s operational characteristics and validate flight procedures, in both normal and emergency conditions. 


Earlier activities in Italy were part of a collaboration started in 2015 between Leonardo, Aeroporti di Puglia (AdP) and the Distretto Tecnologico Aerospaziale Pugliese (DTA) for the “Grottaglie Test Bed”, which is a candidate to become the Italian solution for national and European industry demands for unmanned aircraft testing. The validation of procedures and regulations for the use of unmanned aircraft are among its key objectives. The trials benefitted from the strong collaboration with ENAC (the Italian Civil Aviation Authority) and ENAV (the Italian Air Navigation Service Provider). The SW-4 Solo had also been involved in other successful demonstrations in Italy and the UK.

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Inviato (modificato)
1 ora fa, Damynavy scrive:



dopo aver tolto qualche bitorzolo... e cambiato l'ugello di scarico....?




Modificato da ISO-8707
  • 1 mese fa...
Inviato (modificato)

Presentato il drone frutto della collaborazione tra Boeing ed Australia, potrà essere venduto al di fuori del programma FMS




Some basic facts about the Air Airpower Teaming System:

  • It is built in Australia and intended for export around the globe. Exports will be easier without having to go through U.S. FMS process. 
  • The development of the system has been split roughly 60/40 between Australian Ministry of Defense and Boeing, with Boeing taking the larger part of the deal by spending around $62M on the program.
  • A prototype is being built now.
  • Can fly with or without a manned partner.
  • Has a range of roughly 2,000 miles.
  • Is 38 feet long and uses a bizjet class engine.
  • Will team with E-7, EA-18G, F/A-18E/F, and P-8 Poseidon.
  • Modular design for 'snap-in' payloads and rapid reconfiguration capability.
  • Initial configuration will be sensor/intelligence and electronic warfare focused.
  • Controlled via ground station, other aircraft, and has some level of autonomy that can scale for the mission. 
  • Design was based mainly on what would be attractive to a global market full of cash-strapped air arms.
  • Will be tested over Australia's vast deserts where there is tons of room for experimentation. (Probably based out of Woomera)
  • The technology and development will be sourced locally in Australia.
  • Boeing will be able to adapt the technology for foreign customers far easier than developing and building in the United States.






Modificato da ISO-8707

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