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[TVR] Possibile il ritorno?

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We haven't heard much from TVR lately but the company's website was recently updated with a teaser-like image that declares "Never say never."It remains unclear if TVR is planning a relaunch, but the last time we heard from owner Nikolai Smolensky he had abandoned hopes of car production. At the time, Smolensky said the TVR name would live on but be used on a venture that builds portable wind turbineslb_icon1.png.

As of last month, the TVR website declared "We support all owners of TVR sports cars by ensuring supply of spares and the development of alternative drive trains. Nevertheless at the moment we do not manufacture new cars. Any such claims in various media are fake."

That doesn't sound encouraging but TVR has a history of rising from the ashes, if only temporarily.

Source: TVR and


Non ci resta che attendere... certo sarebbe una bella news.

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Guest -jag-

Sarebbe una bellissima notizia! Di sicuro preferisco TVR a tutti questi pseudo-brand di sportive/supercar che stanno spuntando come funghi.

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Beh, la Sagaris con l'LS3 a giudicare dalle tante conversioni funziona bene, anche se il motore ha un carattere opposto al bello Speed Six.

Rivedere sul mercato un marchio più unico che raro, nonché uno dei miei preferiti, farebbe davvero moltissimo piacere. Però ho sempre avuto l'impressione che per riavere TVR bisognerebbe toglierla dalle mani del bambino viziato che l'ha presa come fosse un giocattolo.

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Rights to make TVR cars and components, to use existing designs and manufacture components for existing cars, have been recently sold back to British interests located near London, according to their former owner, the Russian banker Nikolai Smolensky, now living in Vienna.Speaking exclusively to Autocar earlier today, Smolensky said the deal was done “some weeks ago” but refused to reveal the price. The transaction is understood to involve a company fronted by a Mr Les Edgar, a Surrey-based entrepreneur.

In other intriguing moves, a private company called TVR Motor Cars Ltd was incorporated at the end of April and is currently described by Companies House as “active”. The same source reveals Leslie Edgar, of Dorking, as director of both TVR Manufacturing Ltd and TVR Automotive Ltd. Meanwhile TVR's website has for some time carried the comments “never say never” and "roaring back". TVR enthusiasts are convinced “something is up”.

Smolenski acquired TVR in 2004 from its previous long-time owner, Peter Wheeler, for a rumoured price of £15 million. He operated it with difficulty and announced that after several false starts, including building a new Cerbera in Austria powered by a BMW diesel, he had given up the idea of making sports cars and would use the famous three initials in a company he owned, manufacturing wind turbines.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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