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The Volkswagen - Sauber - Ferrari Connection

Speculation continues to rise in the Ferrari Camp that a Ferrari Volkswagen connection may actually become a reality in the very near future. The car manufacturer sporting brands such as Volkswagen, Audi, Porsche, is presently not in Formula One unlike the recent arrivals of Toyota, Honda, and the German Neighbors such as BMW and Mercedes, but, always in the rumour mill year after year in possibly participating. Volkswagen ironically has a technical cooperation with Maserati that could grow to something further. Bernd Pischetsrieder, Chairman of the Board of Management of Volkswagen AG, was seen on more than one occasion chatting with Bernie Ecclestone and when you chat with Bernie, you know it is not about the weather.

The Sauber and Volkswagen contact was made in 2002, and, Peter Sauber did finally admit it stating the following "There are contacts with the owner of Volkswagen, Bernd Pischetsrieder. It is true," he said in the Welt. "We are of course in contact with other manufacturers. I am always interested in finding a big partner. This does not only include those who are currently in F1 racing, but also those who are not there yet. We have to keep our options open." The swiss based Sauber team, is praised for its latest state of the art wind tunnel but the mystery behind this is that is has been rumoured to have been financed by the Volkswagen group and even used by the car manufacturer since this wind tunnel has rolling roads. This scenario makes them the ideal team for someone like Volkswagon to purchase and grow forward, but, it seems Luca Montezemolo has plans of his own in carrying Ferrari into the next decades to come that might include the same group.

With the Prost collapse, and, the one week engine rule in 2004, the Sauber and Ferrari connection became more like a partnership to the point the Sauber drivers are considered to be extra Ferrari Drivers. Ferrari and Sauber are sharing more information than ever before and tyre testing is one of the most crucial points but more resources than many can imagine are presently being shared with the two teams. Ferrari is also having a say as to the choice in drivers giving them power no other team in F1 has, over another. Massa, is seen as the next big thing to the Ferrari team and they want him to gain more experience to prove them right for a likely drive that would fall into place for 2007. The opposing teams last year stated that the symbiosis between the two teams may have gone a step too far, but, imagine what they will state this year even when the Scuderia are paying for Sauber's third driver, Neel Jarni, to do Bridgestone tyre testing for them on the Friday of every Grand Prix week-end. The relationship is getting stronger and the Volkswagen link might be the crucial point as well.

With Gianni Agnelli's death, always considered to be Montezemolo's illegitimate Dad, the personal attachment to Fiat is diminishing quickly simply due to no personal love, and, due to Fiat's lower sponsorship year after year and capabilities to assist the F1 program which remains profitable at the present moment. Fiat presently owns 51% of Ferrari - Maserati but that could change in the very near future. It is to no surprise to anyone, that Montezemolo might want to have a manufacturer cooperation with Volkswagen as opposed to Fiat in the near future for both monetary, technical, and, innovative reasons to ensure the best interests for Ferrari with years to come. A German - Italian connection might be bigger than many can imagine for Ferrari.


sara vero ?

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -Bertrand Russell


dove l'hai letto?

E' davvero ridicolo pensare che Montezemolo voglia tradire FIAT... non pensa sia opportuno fare commenti.




Come diceva il Grande Abadantuono:

"toca ferro toooooca feeeeeerro"


"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -Bertrand Russell

Guest T a u r u s



Guest T a u r u s

Tra l'altro quello che ha scritto l'articolo e' cosi' sciocco da dire che Porsche e' un marchio appartenente a se non sa che Porsche e' u marchio indipendente e dopo la decisione di fare una D-segment sportiva le relazioni con VW sono in cattive acque....tanto da spingere Audi a lanciare la Audi Le Mans in versione da 380cv e 80.000 euro come diretto rivale di 911....e poi se non sa collui cose basilari per la struttura del gruppo VW e la proprieta' di Porsche...avrebbe conoscenze in merito del cavallino.... :twisted:

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