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WTCC - Citroen entra con Loeb!

Touareg 2.5

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We have chosen the FIA WTCC as our global motorsport platform as it combines the cutting edge technology of our Volvo cars with exciting racing all over the world. The championship enables us to further develop our technology and utilise development from the racing circuits directly to our products for performance oriented Volvo customers,” said Niels Möller, COO of Polestar, the Volvo Cars Performance Brand.

The actual team’s name will be Polestar Cyan Racing, and they’ll be using the brand new Volvo S60 Polestar TC1 race car in an attempt to emulate that 1985 success. These new cars will be using a newly developed four-cylinder turbo engine with 400 horsepower, based on the technology behind Volvo’s Drive-E engine family.

This is a great day for all of us at Polestar Cyan Racing to announce our assault on the FIA World Touring Car Championship, a programme that boils down to one thing; to bring the world title to Sweden,” said Alexander Murdzevski Schedvin, Head of Motorsport at Polestar.




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Ottima notizia!!! :)

Speriamo che questo impegno di Volvo porti altre case blasonate a valutare l'opzione wtcc... (non me ne vogliano gli appassionati, ma eccetto le civic non trovo le pur vincenti citroen, così come le altre vetture partecipanti, particolarmente affascinanti)

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