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I’m writing this with a big MAYBE on it because we simply dont know if this is the real thing or not, but it could be the first sighting of the what the NEVS Saab 9-3 could look like. Have a look at the concept-drawings on the door. The image was created on the 22′nd of April 2013 so it is very recent. It comes from the page ofYovinn, a design bureau in Göteborg that amongst others employs Matias Cindric, the former chief designer of Saab

BIG thanks to Jaap for sending this to us! =)


With the production restart of NEVS getting closer it might be an idea if the 9-3 was to be separated not only by company owning Saab and the technology but also by name in order to differentiate the era. I’ve given this a lot of thought and I’ve got a few ideas, but I’d like to ask you guys what you think.

Here is the issue. Lets replace the 9-3 badge with something that Saab has not had before, what would you call the model and why? Remember, NOT something previously used!

A few tips along the way to consider:

  • Heritage
  • Sportiness vs Luxury
  • Size of the car compared with future cars
  • The name should reflect the values of the company
  • Name must work in many different languages
  • Must be something that fits the car
  • Must be something that people remembers
  • Must be easy


Se non si vede la foto, ditemelo che la ri-uppo.

Condizionali e avverbi d'obbligo: su saabsunited non son certi sulla corrispondenza al risultato finale, ma questi potrebbero essere bozzetti creati per studiare la via da scegliere riguardo l'ennesimo facelift della vecchia 9-3, primo prodotto della NEVS.

Mio commento, l'auto è vecchia, non c'è che dire... ma sta sport sedan ha sempre avuto un corpo vettura molto attraente. Se venisse fuori come nel bozzetto in alto, sarebbe proprio figa.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

Ma non era fallita?

Sì, ma NEVS (National Electric Vehicle Sweden AB) ha rilevato un po' di roba:

Saabsunited è un sito che seguo spesso, è decisamente uno dei migliori per quanto riguarda i car enthusiasts.

Ti riporto qualche piccola news a proposito di NEVS:

NEVS has posted a job opening for 27 positions for production staff, these guys are highly experienced car builders who can first of all help out in rebuilding the production line and then train further staff in how to build cars. What I feel is that they need the former team-leaders back.Every team consisted of about 6-12 people with one person being the team leader. Each department in turn had one production manager and 4-8 teams depending on which part of the line they were working on. These team-leaders were essentially the reason behind Saab’s impressive flexibility. These guys could rebuild the production line within a matter of weeks if a change in production-rate was required.

These guys were highly skilled and I personally know a lot of them, however most of these guys got new jobs, either at Volvo or at other locations due to their high level of team-leadership competence. But one should not forget that there were a lot of other people working within the production who also had the skills of doing the same job.

Mattias Bergman, VP at NEVS revealed during the SAAB Festival 2013 that future SAABs produced by NEVS will have turbo engines, he said that “turbo is part of the DNA and there will be turbos in Saabs in the future”.

To me this is great news since as Mattias points out, its in the DNA of the cars and is probably the one thing that people relate mostly to SAAB. Which engine that NEVS is going to use has still not been revealed.

NEVS has spent a lot of money restoring the Trollhättan facility. New asphalt, new gates and a new very nice perimeter fence is something you’ll see from the outside.
I conducted a phone interview with NEVS VP Mattias Bergman Monday afternoon regarding hybrid technology and in this interview he elaborated on several issues. We talked for about twenty minutes and as we like to do at SaabsUnited, shed light on Saab’s future. Below is a summary of our conversation:Is NEVS considering Hybrid Drive?

On that question Mattias said YES, but no formal decision has yet been taken. Right now NEVS is looking at the big picture of the Phoenix based car, in other words what targets the car needs to reach in order to succeed. That hybrid drive is one of them is now confirmed.

Will Hybrid drive be available on the current 9-3 version?

Since the life span of this car will be extended a few years, no major design changes will be made since these are expensive and take time. Implementing such a big design change into the current 9-3 would require a new crash-test approval and could take as much as a full year of development. The extension of the 9-3′s lifespan is relative to both technology / design upgrades and most significantly due to geography. The 9-3 being a somewhat unknown car in China is clearly a good selling point for NEVS in that region. To new Chinese customers, the car is perhaps not a new car, but still something new on the road which makes it interesting.

Will the gas-powered 9-3 and the EV-Cars share the same facelift?

The 9-3 will get a facelift that is based upon the EV1 but the EV1 will also differentiate it self somewhat to the gasoline range. The EV needs to look a bit different but also it wont be too radical like a “moon-car”. Some of the facelift design-lines will be the same on both EV and ICE cars. The EV that NEVS will launch early next year is a car that meets todays requirements for everyday use.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.


Sono molto disinformato, chiedo perdono, ma di che nazionalità sarebbe questa NEVS?

Ah! Se fossi stato sopra i 30 quando era sul mercato, la 9-3 sarebbe stata mia: disgraziatamente ne avevo 18 quando è fallito tutto.

"All'infuori del cane, il libro è il migliore amico dell'uomo. Dentro il cane è troppo scuro per leggere." (cit. Groucho Marx)

▪ Alfa Romeo Gtv, 1996, 2.0 twin spark ▪ Citroen C3, 2010, 1.4 benz ▪

Zitto, va! Che giusto ieri ho visto una 9-5...

Ma porc... :inca:

9-5 per me solo mkI

Rigidamente verde petrolio con cerchi a 3 razze ed allestimento SE con radica a profusione.

Of course, 2.0 litri turbo da 141 kW


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