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[Aston Martin] Collaborazione con Mercedes-AMG

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Hanno appena presentato il 9g-tronic, che male non deve essere ;)

Da quello che si dice il 9g-tronic è stato fatto sopratutto per avvicinarsi all'eccellente ZF8HP, giusto?

(I problemi/difetti etc.. del 7g-tronic non erano -forse solo all'inizio- da poco..)

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  • 7 mesi fa...
Aston Martin's VH platform has been around for nearly a decade so it's interesting to note the company has confirmed the development of a "completely new architecture."Details are limited but Aston Martin Chief Financial Officer Hanno Kirner said "We are engineering a completely new architecture and technologies to ensure that our next generation of sports cars is at the forefront of design, performance and technology." He went on to say "The strategic partnership with Daimler AG will bring with it cutting edge electrical and electronic expertise, and the shared development of world-class bespoke V8 powertrains.”

That's not much to go on but previous reports have indicated the company is working on a new DB9 that could be offered with an AMG-sourced 4.0-liter V8 engine and Aston Martin's familiar 6.0-liter V12. However, speculation has suggested that particular model would still be based on the VH platform.

There has also been rumors that Aston Martin could use the Mercedes MSA platform, that will underpin the next-generation SL and SLK, but nothing is official as of yet.

Of course, there's also the chance that the "new architecture" could be to the electronic architecture that Aston Martin is getting from their partnership with Daimler.

Regardless, Aston Martin also confirmed their revenue increased 13 percent, in 2013, to £519 ($874 / €630) million thanks to sales of roughly 4,200 cars.

Source: Aston Martin


Abemus (tra 200 anni probabilmente) piattaforma: Aston, da dichiarazione ufficiale, sta lavorando su di una nuova piattaforma che andrà a sostituire l'ormai datata VH.

Detto ciò, dubito intervenga MB, dato che le ultime notizie danno una collabo riservata inizialmente esclusivamente ai propulsori; aridetto ciò, è probabile che la futura DB9 viaggi ancora su base VH, giusto per accelerare un po' i tempi.

C'è anche da dire che Aston sta riscontrando un problema mica da poco in US, dato che non ha i mezzi per adattarsi alle nuove norme di sicurezza - Small Overlapp -

Modificato da Touareg 2.5

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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  • 1 mese fa...

Aston Martin is planning what it calls the "biggest product offensive" in its history as it looks to reinvent itself as a supercar manufacturer fit to take on Ferrari. The transformation will come about thanks to new technology and a fresh design language.

The new model range promises to herald an updated design language under Aston’s long-term design boss, Marek Reichman. Insiders say that in response to criticism of today’s line-up, the new models will be significantly differentiated from each other, putting them more in line with the clearly defined and executed models 
in Ferrari’s range.

It is understood that work is well under way on the first new model, a newDB9, which will be powered by a Mercedes-AMG engine built specifically for the British company. The car is expected to make its debut in the second half of 2016, although it might not go on sale until early 2017.

The new DB9 will be the foundation stone of Aston’s new beginning. It will be followed by a replacement for the V8 and V12 Vantage models and then the Vanquish.

There’s no clear news yet on whether the four-door Rapide will be replaced directly, although that model is likely to be phased out after Aston Martin switches over to its new vehicle architecture in 2016.

Even so, Aston sources say they are confident that the sales boost from the new DB9, and the V8 and V12 Vantages following close behind, will push Aston into profit. That would be a turnaround on last year’s results, which saw the company pushed into the red.

However, this is something of a high-risk strategy for the tiny company. Aston Martin has borrowed heavily for its big product push, and that is expected to stress the company’s finances over the next two years, especially as it pays interest on its loans. At the beginning of May, credit rating agency Standard and Poors cut Aston’s credit rating to five notches below investment grade.

Read Autocar's review of the Aston Martin DB9

At the moment, the much-discussed SUV remains on Aston’s wish list rather than in the product plan. The company’s new injection of investment money has been earmarked for the reinvention of the sports car family.

The next-generation VH architecture, which is currently being engineered, is said to have been created by Lotus Engineering when Aston was under Ford ownership. It is based on the same principles as the current VH platform 
but is being completely reworked to accommodate Mercedes’ engines and technology. Aston’s current V8 and V12 engines are built by Ford under contract at its Cologne plant. This deal ends in 2016, just as the new AMG engines come on stream.

The VH structure, which is claimed to be especially light and stiff, is made up of fairly small-scale components made from either stamped, cast or extruded aluminium. This approach is cost-effective because tooling costs are kept low and is ideally suited to small-scale production (Aston sold just 4200 cars last year).

Components such as the front suspension strut towers are made from cast aluminium, while the windscreen surround is made from pressed and formed aluminium. These can then be shared across the various models. The floor and centre tunnel construction is also common across today’s sports car models.

The new-generation VH architecture will use the same principle but will be more of a clean-sheet design able to accommodate a more diverse range of body styles and styling. While today’s Astons are hampered by having to share a core structure, which results in a similar appearance, the new VH construction is likely to be much more flexible.

The front and rear crash structures will be common, as will the main floor structure. It is understood that the new architecture will be able to offer two track widths and two wheelbases, along with a new rear bulkhead design that can be switched between the demands of saloon, cabrio and liftback body styles, while the mounting height of the windscreen surround is expected to be adjustable. Aston’s engineers will also have to give thought to accommodating a battery 
pack on certain models.

Read Autocar's Aston Martin V8 Vantage review

As well as developing this new VH architecture, Aston is currently working on integrating an electrical architecture supplied by Mercedes. This is not only to allow the use of AMG engines and transmissions, but is also the key to future Aston models being able to feature the latest in-car multimedia systems and electronic driver aids.

It would be difficult, although not impossible, for Aston to incorporate technology such as stereo cameras in the windscreen (for future intelligent traffic management) or stop-start technology into the current VH set-up, but direct integration of Mercedes’ technology into the new VH architecture will be hugely beneficial. Indeed, Daimler, Mercedes’ parent company, said it was going to spend a massive £8.8 billion on research and development across 2013 and 2014.

That Aston’s future models will be able to tap into much of Mercedes’ parts bin is a huge step forward for the company. Components such as braking systems, already thoroughly tested by Mercedes’ own engineers, are a perfect starting point for Aston.

The core of the technical co-operation is, of course, the supply of engines from the AMG division. The core Aston powerplant will become a version of AMG’s upcoming twin-turbocharged V8, its 4.0-litre capacity crucial to tapping into lower tax brackets in markets including China. Autocar understands that a V12 engine, based on AMG’s twin-turbo 6.0-litre unit, will also live on in Aston’s future range, although possibly without forced induction.

Further down the line, expect to see a petrol-electric hybrid Aston Martin featuring an electric motor incorporated into the transmission. Manufacturers expect a number of global cities to adopt zero-emissions zones by the end of the decade, so a hybrid model is an essential part of the new-generation Aston Martin line-up.

When are Aston Martin's new models arriving?

2017 - new DB9

Likely to be seen in 2016, the new DB9 will kick-start Aston’s reinvention with a new look, platform and engines.

2018 - Vantage

Vantage replacement will use a shorter version of the new architecture and will again be offered with a choice of V8 and V12 engines.

2019 - Vanquish

Flagship Vanquish to crown revamped Aston range by the end of the decade. Expect Mercedes-sourced V12 power.

2020 - Rapide (TBC)

A Rapide replacement is not understood to be on the cards at present, but Aston could resurrect it once its new range is established.

2021 - Lagonda SUV (TBC)

The Lagonda SUV is not in the Aston model plan, and would only appear if its R&D could be funded by a successful relaunch of the rest of the range.

Il rinnovamento di Aston partirà da fine 2016 con la presentazione di New DB9, basata sulla futura architettura attualmente in fase di sviluppo.

In forse Rapide II e, ovviamente, Lagonda Suv.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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L'unica vera incognita, qua, è il nuovo stile, il resto sono tutte notizie ottime per il marchio.

Buon lavoro agli ingegneri Aston, aspetto con impazienza i primi risultati.

Modificato da superkappa125

La teoria è quando si conosce il funzionamento di qualcosa ma quel qualcosa non funziona.

La pratica è quando tutto funziona ma non si sa come.

Spesso si finisce con il coniugare la teoria con la pratica: non funziona niente e non si sa il perché.

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Bisogna capire cosa intendono per new DB9... eppoi questi hanno i soldi per pagare la piattaforma del SUV a MB?E mi dimentico per un attimo della Rapide.

Qua stiamo parlando di una piattaforma veramente nuova, anche perché non è possibile incastrare i motori MB nella VH attuale e dal 2016 Ford smetterà di produrre i V8 e V12 in dotazione as Aston...

SUV ancora in forse, IMHO si giocano tutto con DB9 e V8.

La teoria è quando si conosce il funzionamento di qualcosa ma quel qualcosa non funziona.

La pratica è quando tutto funziona ma non si sa come.

Spesso si finisce con il coniugare la teoria con la pratica: non funziona niente e non si sa il perché.

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