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Stellantis CEO defends decision to build Alfa Romeo Milano outside Italy

Carlos Tavares said the small SUV would have cost €10,000 more and been less competitive if built in Italy instead of Poland.

MILAN – Building the new Alfa Romeo Milano small SUV in Poland rather than Italy will cut €10,000 euros (about $10,700) from its price, Stellantis CEO Carlos Tavares said.

The Milano, Alfa Romeo’s first full-electric vehicle, is also the first model to be assembled outside Italy since the automaker's founding in 1910. It will be built in Tychy, Poland, alongside two sibling models, the Fiat 600 and Jeep Avenger.

The issue is a sensitive one because Tavares has clashed with the Italian government and unions over EV subsidies and production volume in Italy.

Stellantis is the only mass-market automaker with factories in Italy.

"If built in Italy, a Milano would have started from about €40,000 instead of €30,000, limiting its potential on the marketplace,” Tavares said during a roundtable discussion in Milan at the launch of the new model.

So far, the Milano is the only Alfa Romeo model set for production outside Italy. Tavares confirmed that the next-generation Stelvio midsize SUV, due in 2025, and Giulia midsize sedan, due in 2026, will continue to be built in Cassino, central Italy. Stellantis will invest more than €100 million there to install European production for its new STLA Large platform.

€500 million profit in 2023
Alfa Romeo generated an operating profit of about €500 million last year, the first time Tavares has confirmed a profit figure for one of Stellantis’ 14 brands.

Tavares said that Stellantis had received a request to sell Alfa Romeo but declined it because the brand has returned to profitability in recent years. He also said that a Chinese automaker had sought to buy one of Stellantis’ three French brands (Citroen, DS and Peugeot). He declined to share the names of the companies that made the queries.

Alfa Romeo generated its profit from relatively low volume. Global sales in 2023 were 70,500, according to figures from JATO Dynamics, meaning that profit per vehicle was about €7,100. Tavares credited efficiency in investments and sales discipline for the returns at Alfa Romeo, which was a consistent money-loser under Fiat Chrysler Automobiles ahead of the merger with PSA Group to form Stellantis in 2021.

Tavares on Wednesday in Milan. He said Stellantis had received a request to sell Alfa Romeo, but declined because the brand has returned to profitability.

30% more efficient than rivals
He said that after extensively benchmarking competitors, Stellantis believes it is 30 percent more efficient in investments because of its scale and lean organization.

"This means that you can either invest 30 percent less to offer the same features, or invest the same and offer your customer 30 percent more features," he said.

Tavares has long emphasized "value over volume," and he said that net revenue is always the focus at the group’s meetings rather than sales targets. Stellantis’ adjusted operating income margin was 11.2 percent in 2023, and is forecasting double-digit profit margins for 2024 despite more difficult market conditions.

"When you start pushing for volume, you begin destroying the foundation of a premium brand," he said, adding that he is very satisfied with Alfa Romeo’s profitability level.





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6 ore fa, xtom scrive:

Non capisco se Tavares conteggia nel 30% anche i dazi del 10% + iva, altrimenti se vengono dedotti significa che produrre in Cina o nell’Europa dell’Est costerebbe uguale, dato che dice di poter riuscire a mantenere il 20% di  vantaggio competitivo.

L'IVA si paga anche sulle auto prodotte qui.

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35 minuti fa, jameson scrive:

L'IVA si paga anche sulle auto prodotte qui.


Ovvio, ma il dazio è il 10% + iva


Se un'auto costa 10 k in Cina, qui costa 10 * 1,1 * 1,22 = 13,42 k


E' come se l'iva sulle auto importate dalla Cina fosse il 34,2% invece del 22%


Tra l'altro lo Stato Italiano incassa di più dalle auto importate ... a proposito di incentivi


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1 ora fa, 4200blu scrive:

Stellantis CEO defends decision to build Alfa Romeo Milano outside Italy

Carlos Tavares said the small SUV would have cost €10,000 more and been less competitive if built in Italy instead of Poland.

MILAN – Building the new Alfa Romeo Milano small SUV in Poland rather than Italy will cut €10,000 euros (about $10,700) from its price, Stellantis CEO Carlos Tavares said.

The Milano, Alfa Romeo’s first full-electric vehicle, is also the first model to be assembled outside Italy since the automaker's founding in 1910. It will be built in Tychy, Poland, alongside two sibling models, the Fiat 600 and Jeep Avenger.

The issue is a sensitive one because Tavares has clashed with the Italian government and unions over EV subsidies and production volume in Italy.

Stellantis is the only mass-market automaker with factories in Italy.

"If built in Italy, a Milano would have started from about €40,000 instead of €30,000, limiting its potential on the marketplace,” Tavares said during a roundtable discussion in Milan at the launch of the new model.

So far, the Milano is the only Alfa Romeo model set for production outside Italy. Tavares confirmed that the next-generation Stelvio midsize SUV, due in 2025, and Giulia midsize sedan, due in 2026, will continue to be built in Cassino, central Italy. Stellantis will invest more than €100 million there to install European production for its new STLA Large platform.

€500 million profit in 2023
Alfa Romeo generated an operating profit of about €500 million last year, the first time Tavares has confirmed a profit figure for one of Stellantis’ 14 brands.

Tavares said that Stellantis had received a request to sell Alfa Romeo but declined it because the brand has returned to profitability in recent years. He also said that a Chinese automaker had sought to buy one of Stellantis’ three French brands (Citroen, DS and Peugeot). He declined to share the names of the companies that made the queries.

Alfa Romeo generated its profit from relatively low volume. Global sales in 2023 were 70,500, according to figures from JATO Dynamics, meaning that profit per vehicle was about €7,100. Tavares credited efficiency in investments and sales discipline for the returns at Alfa Romeo, which was a consistent money-loser under Fiat Chrysler Automobiles ahead of the merger with PSA Group to form Stellantis in 2021.

Tavares on Wednesday in Milan. He said Stellantis had received a request to sell Alfa Romeo, but declined because the brand has returned to profitability.

30% more efficient than rivals
He said that after extensively benchmarking competitors, Stellantis believes it is 30 percent more efficient in investments because of its scale and lean organization.

"This means that you can either invest 30 percent less to offer the same features, or invest the same and offer your customer 30 percent more features," he said.

Tavares has long emphasized "value over volume," and he said that net revenue is always the focus at the group’s meetings rather than sales targets. Stellantis’ adjusted operating income margin was 11.2 percent in 2023, and is forecasting double-digit profit margins for 2024 despite more difficult market conditions.

"When you start pushing for volume, you begin destroying the foundation of a premium brand," he said, adding that he is very satisfied with Alfa Romeo’s profitability level.





E la peppa! Addirittura 10k euro in più? Mi pare tantino... Gli altri suvvini CMP non polacchi dove vengono assemblati?

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25 minuti fa, xtom scrive:


Ovvio, ma il dazio è il 10% + iva


Se un'auto costa 10 k in Cina, qui costa 10 * 1,1 * 1,22 = 13,42 k


E' come se l'iva sulle auto importate dalla Cina fosse il 34,2% invece del 22%


Tra l'altro lo Stato Italiano incassa di più dalle auto importate ... a proposito di incentivi


Ma se un'auto costa 10k qui (di produzione), al cliente costa 12,2k.
Detta in un altro modo, l'importatore l'IVA la scarica, quindi la differenza pratica è solo il dazio.
Comunque il conto è 10 x (1 + 0,1 + 0,22) = 13,2 k perché il dazio non viene ivato.

Modificato da jameson
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Intanto per chi vuole sul sole 24 ore salta pure fuori il tema dell’illegalità dell’uso del nome Milano per un qualcosa prodotto all’estero. Il come saturare gli impianti italiani diventa sempre più difficile vista l’’asprezza dei toni.

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  • Ahah! 2
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10 minuti fa, Marco1975 scrive:

Intanto per chi vuole sul sole 24 ore salta pure fuori il tema dell’illegalità dell’uso del nome Milano per un qualcosa prodotto all’estero. Il come saturare gli impianti italiani diventa sempre più difficile vista l’’asprezza dei toni.

Quindi qualcuno ha fatto causa alla Ford per la Capri e la Torino o alla Ssangyong per la Tivoli?

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28 minuti fa, Auditore scrive:

Chissà chi ha fatto la proposta di acquisizione di Alfa Romeo, sarei curioso


Sarà sempre la solita storiella di VW che voleva Alfa Romeo!? 😅


"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

Sergio Marchionne


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