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The new-generation Jeep Cherokee was just unveiled at the 2013 New York Auto Show to rather mixed reviews, thanks to relatively over-the-top styling. Even with its odd styling, it is starting to grow on us a little. An now, rumors of an SRT version have us thinking even more fondly of this new model.

First details from the Jeep experts over at AllPar suggest that this hopped-up Cherokee will come equipped with an all-wheel-drive system in place of the standard front-wheel drive, a nine-speed automatic transmission and an engine that oozes power.

Anyone that knows anything about Chrysler’s SRT group knows that the Cherokee SRT will feature an engine with tons more power. However, the origins of the engine and the exact output is still up for speculation. One suggestion is a 3.0-liter V-6 sourced from fellow Fiat subsidiary, Maserati. This may be a little too much for the petit Cherokee, as that would put it over the 400-horsepower mark. There is also the idea of it using a 2.4-liter boosted engine with an output of about 300 horsepower, but that’s likely not enough power to drum up interest in this model.

The most likely of scenarios is to use one of the existing Pentastar V-6 engines — 3.2- or 3.6-liter — which can be tuned to well over 400 horsepower, using a pair of turbochargers. If Chrysler chooses to only use one turbo, it would still put it in the 350- to 375-horsepower range. Either way, the Pentastar would have to undergo some big changes, including strengthening the internals and dropping the compression to around 9-to-1.

No matter what engine the Cherokee SRT uses, we can’t wait to see what it can do.


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C'è in ballo e forse in arrivo una versione 3.0 turbo del V6 Pentastar.

Se effettivamente questa Cherokee SRT è in arrivo, è una delle candidate adatte a montarlo.

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Il motore?

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Ma il Maserati prende dal Pentastar giusto qualche fusione e alcuni ausiliari, quindi si può tranquillamente parlare di motori diversi.

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