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11 minuti fa, vince-991 scrive:

Mah, io aspetto di vedere quanto a lungo Tesla potrà tenere i prezzi bassi. Perché qui dentro mi avete insegnato che non conta il numero di veicoli venduti ma quanto sono redditizi. Se si riduce la capacità di fare utili potrebbe esserci un crollo di fiducia da parte degli investitori che sono quelli che hanno tenuto a galla Tesla.


Se a fronte di una diminuzione del prezzo aumentano le vendite la redditività può rimanere costante.


Guardando i dati di profitto per singola auto sembra che Tesla avesse ampio margine per ridurre i prezzi.

Anche BYD ha recentemente abbassato i prezzi del 10%







1 ora fa, maxsona scrive:

La forza lavoro e i fatturari più che ridursi potrebbero essere semplicemente ripartiti e assorbiti da altri settori.

Che è un po' quanto sta succedendo, nel suo piccolo, in Norvegia. 



I meccanici e gli addetti alle stazioni di servizio hanno ancora molto lavoro: sia perché le auto elettriche hanno comunque bisogno di manutenzione (benché meno delle auto tradizionali), sia perché molti distributori di carburanti tradizionali hanno messo a disposizione punti di ricarica veloce. Non c’è quindi stato un aumento della disoccupazione tra queste professioni, che comunque hanno avuto bisogno di corsi di formazione e aggiornamento per curare auto completamente diverse, come hanno raccontato vari meccanici e benzinai al New York Times.

Il mercato elettrico sta anche creando posti di lavoro in altri settori. A Fredrikstad, una cittadina di periferia a sud di Oslo, un’ex acciaieria è diventata un centro di riciclaggio e smaltimento delle batterie, i cui lavoratori si sono totalmente riconvertiti. Chi sta avendo difficoltà sono i concessionari di auto, perché i tradizionali marchi che erano abituati a vendere auto a combustione stanno perdendo quote di mercato in favore di aziende specializzate, come Tesla e alcuni marchi cinesi.

Articolo appena uscito che riporta un'inchiesta del NYT


1 ora fa, ale75 scrive:


...loro (BYD) sono difficili da battere sul prezzo, perche tutta la catena della produzione (miniera di litio - cellule - battery pack - auto) e in loro mano stesso, tutti gli altri, anche Tesla devono comprare il litio gia lavorato oppure ancora un step in piu, le cellule completo, quindi per una batteria non hanno mai i stessi prezzi rispetto BYD.



  • Mi Piace 1

Se lanciano un modello sui 4,30 (simil Golf) con spazi interni e guidabilità buona,  prezzo diciamo un 8/9000 euro più basso di Model 3 ho idea che spazzerebbe via completamente i produttori europei, vediamo nei prossimi anni

Auto attuale Toyota Auris TS HSD MY2013

Auto passate Alfa Romeo 147 2.0 TS MY 2005, Ford Focus 1.8 TDdi MY 2000




Tesla offers extra discounts to German company-car buyers
Including government subsidies, the Model 3's price can be cut by 30 percent and the Model Y by 25 percent.

Tesla increased discounts for business customers in Germany in a sign of the electric-car maker's increasingly aggressive pricing tactics.

For fleet buyers, the company is now offering an additional discount of 2,250 euros ($2,447), a company spokesman said on Monday.
The incentive will be valid for all immediate orders of the Model 3 and Model Y vehicles delivered by the end of August.

Including government subsidies, rebates can now total as much as 9,750 euros — about 30 percent of the price of a Model 3 and roughly 25 percent of a Model Y.

Company cars are an important part of the German auto market. Tax incentives make them a popular perk for employers.

The offer is timed to coincide with the final months of a government program for businesses, which expires on Sept. 1. The bonus will then only be available to private customers.

Tesla has indicated it will keep cutting prices to stoke demand even after markdowns early this year took a significant toll on profitability. Similar strategies have backfired on other automakers in the past.






Tesla's new car production process stokes debate among industry experts
Elon Musk believes the company needs to radically rethink conventional manufacturing methods to build more affordable - and profitable - EVs in higher volumes.

Tesla will use new manufacturing techniques in Mexico, where the automaker plans to build a new generation of sub-$30,000 EVs.

Tesla's new vehicle-assembly system, which created instant buzz when it was unveiled in March, ignited a debate among auto manufacturing experts on whether CEO Elon Musk's so-called unboxed process is radical, revisionist or derivative -- or all of the above.

Musk believes the company needs to radically rethink conventional manufacturing methods in order to build more affordable - and profitable - EVs in higher volumes. 

Investors have been waiting for Tesla to announce what is perceived as the company's holy grail: An EV priced under $30,000. Right now, the least expensive Tesla starts at more than $40,000.


The unboxed assembly process is intended to enable Tesla to hit that ambitious price target.

One expert described the process as "revolutionary," with the potential to upend the auto industry's traditional moving assembly line. Others questioned whether a process that relies on previously tested techniques such as modular assembly can contribute to dramatically lower production costs.

When the new process was revealed at Tesla's March 1 Investor Day, executives said it would make the company's next-generation vehicles "significantly simpler and more affordable." 

Officials said the unboxed process could cut production costs in half and reduce the factory footprint by 40 percent. The aim, said the company, is to "build more vehicles at lower cost."

The assemblage of new techniques will not be fully tested until the system is installed in late 2024 at Tesla's new $5 billion plant in Monterrey, Mexico, where the company plans to build a new generation of sub-$30,000 EVs.

Several big questions loom: What sort of impact will Tesla's process have on the auto industry overall? Will it render useless the widely copied Toyota Production System? And can Musk actually make his company's process work as promised given Tesla's history of missed production deadlines and failed attempts to deploy unproven technology? 

Tesla did not immediately reply to requests for comment for this story.

Martin French, managing director at consulting firm Berylls which focuses on the industry's rapid shift to electric and smart mobility, wondered if Tesla's move might supplant decades-old lean manufacturing methods pioneered by industry kingpin Toyota.

"I got the feeling when I watched the Tesla (presentation) that the Toyota Production System handbook has just been thrown up in the air and machine-gunned down," French said.

German researcher Jan-Philipp Büchler of the Free University of Dortmund, believes Tesla's new process is "revolutionary," adding: “This is much more than modular production ... It's eliminating steps that were standard, creating new patterns of working, increasing speed, reducing complexity.” 

Tesla is still testing various elements of the system, including the use of large front and rear subassemblies built on single-piece underbody castings, which are then joined to a central structural battery pack. Body panels are painted separately, then joined together toward the end of the assembly process.

Out with the old?
Some manufacturing experts believe the unboxed process has the potential to reduce or eliminate familiar elements inside auto factories, including stamping, welding and painting unfinished car bodies and sending them down a long assembly line where seats, engines and other components are attached.

If everything works as planned, the unboxed process could rewrite the industry's standard playbook and practices. But Tesla has often fallen short of its ambitious targets, from the oft-delayed Cybertruck to its still-unfinished "Full Self Driving" software.

Lean gurus like James Womack and Hide Oba see key differences between the Toyota production way and Tesla's proposed overhaul.

At its core, the Tesla method "is an assembly process" while Toyota has developed a far broader and more comprehensive "production management system" that helps automakers run assembly processes and related operations more efficiently, said Womack, co-author of "The Machine That Changed the World," the 1990 book on Toyota's lean production philosophy and methods.

A big risk cited by Oba, an independent lean-manufacturing consultant, is what he describes as the “rigidity” of the unboxed system. Oba worked previously for the Toyota Production System Support Center, a division that helps the automaker's suppliers and others implement TPS.

The Tesla process "won’t work unless production of these big, high-content unboxed vehicle modules are completely synchronized, and finished blocks arrive for a final put-together just-in-time,” he said.

Another question is whether Tesla can produce multiple vehicle models of different sizes and body styles on the same production line with the unboxed system.

“My guess is that’s next to impossible,” Oba said. That is because the way Tesla has sliced or "unboxed" the vehicle into several big blocks is so radical, and the dimensions of those blocks do not appear to offer much room for manufacturing variables.

“That could become a drag on the company’s overall efficiency since Tesla’s model lineup is sure to become more varied and complex” in the future, he said. 




On 11/5/2023 at 08:50, A.Masera scrive:


Attese 2,4 milioni di immatricolazioni quest’anno con superamento di BMW e Mercedes.


"quello che della valle spende in 1 anno di ricerca io lo spendo per disegnare il paraurti della punto." Cit.

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