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Bè e' un ottimo "poca spesa tanta resa" , e con motori ed avionica aggiornata è all'altezza e spesso superiore a tutto ciò che gli avversari veri o presunti ( US Navy ed USAF incluse ) potrebbero mettere in campo, con la parziale esclusione dei nuovissimi, ma anche pochissimi, F -22.

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[h=1]Scramble per gli f-15 giapponesi contro 4 aerei da guerra cinesi | GeopoliticalCenter

Scramble per gli f-15 giapponesi contro 4 aerei da guerra cinesi

Questa mattina quattro aerei da guerra cinesi, due aerei di allerta precoce Y8 e due bombardieri H6 (la versione cinese del bombardiere strategico Sovietico TU-16) si sono diretti a tutta velocità verso le coste del Giappone, giunti nell”area di identificazione” delle forze di difesa aerea del Giappone, il comando delle Forze di Autodifesa giapponesi ha ordianto lo Scramble e i caccia F-15 di Tokio hanno preso il volo. A quel punto i cinesi hanno invertito la rotta e sono rientrati nello spazio aereo cinese, in quella che rappresenta la più tesa schermaglia aerea tra Cina e Giappone degli ultimi 20 anni. Nel recente passato si erano avvicinati allo spazio aereo giapponese solamente aerei da ricognizione e mai due bombardieri com gli H6 erano arrivati a così poca distanza dalla spazio aereo giapponese, che comunque non è stato violato.

Si tratta del terzo Scramble consecutivo negli ultimi tre giorni scramble innescato sia da Droni che da aerei pilotati.

Questo aumento della tensione giunge a pochi giorni dalla più vasta esercitazione anfibia giapponese dalla fine della seconda guerra mondiale e dopo le dure parole del ministero della difesa nipponico sulle possibili violazioni di spazio aereo giapponese da parte di droni di Pechino. Troverete un ampio post di analisi domattian dalle ore 08,00 sul sito.


già Zarathustra

"la 4C sarà un trabiccolo per incompetenti" (Ipse dixit)


Gli H-6 sono tra le cose più vecchie che si possono vedere in aria oggi...:)

E' stato un modo per misurare a basso costo la reattività dell'avvversario

Archepensevoli spanciasentire Socing.



[h=1]Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe warns China on use of force as jets scrambled[/h]JAPAN'S leader warned China on Sunday against forcibly changing the regional balance of power, as reports said Tokyo had scrambled fighter jets in response to Chinese military aircraft flying near Okinawa.

Verbal skirmishing between Asia's two biggest economies, who dispute ownership of an island chain, escalated as Beijing warned Tokyo that any hostile action in the skies against Chinese drones would be construed as an "act of war".

"We will express our intention as a state not to tolerate a change in the status quo by force. We must conduct all sorts of activities such as surveillance and intelligence for that purpose," Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said in an address to the military.

"The security environment surrounding Japan is becoming increasingly severe. This is the reality," he said. "You will have to completely rid yourselves of the conventional notion that just the existence of a defence force could act as a deterrent."

Mr Abe presided over an inspection of the military at which a US amphibious assault vehicle was displayed for the first time, an apparent sign of Japan's intention to strengthen its ability to protect remote islands.

The defence ministry plans to create a special amphibious unit to protect the southern islands and retake them in case of an invasion.

"There are concerns that China is attempting to change the status quo by force, rather than by rule of law," Abe earlier told the Wall Street Journal in an interview following a series of summits this month with regional leaders.

"But if China opts to take that path, then it won't be able to emerge peacefully," he said in the interview published Saturday.

"So it shouldn't take that path, and many nations expect Japan to strongly express that view. And they hope that as a result, China will take responsible action in the international community," Abe added.

Kyodo News reported that Japan scrambled jets Sunday for the third successive day in response to four Chinese military aircraft flying over international waters near the Okinawa island chain.

Two Y8 early-warning aircraft and two H6 bombers flew from the East China Sea to the Pacific Ocean and back again but did not violate Japan's airspace, it said.

The Japanese defence ministry was not immediately available for confirmation.

Japan's military is on increased alert as Tokyo and Beijing pursue a war of words over the disputed islands in the East China Sea that lie between Okinawa and Taiwan.

On Saturday China responded angrily after a report said Japan had drafted plans to shoot down foreign drones that encroach on its airspace if warnings to leave are ignored.

Tokyo drew up the proposals after a Chinese military drone entered Japan's air defence identification zone near the disputed islands in the East China Sea last month, Kyodo said.

"We would advise relevant parties not to underestimate the Chinese military's staunch resolve to safeguard China's national territorial sovereignty," China's defence ministry spokesman Geng Yansheng said in comments posted on the ministry's website.

"If Japan takes enforcement measures such as shooting down aircraft, as it says it will, that would constitute a serious provocation, an act of war of sorts, and we would have to take firm countermeasures, and all consequences would be the responsibility of the side that caused the provocation."

Tokyo and Beijing both claim the small uninhabited islands in the East China Sea. Japan administers them and calls them the Senkakus. China refers to the islands as the Diaoyus.

One of Abe's first decisions as prime minister was to increase the defence budget for the first time in 11 years.

Tokyo also plans to hold a major air and sea exercise next month to bolster its ability to protect its remote islands.

In the Wall Street Journal interview, Abe said Japan had become too inward-looking over the past 15 years, but as it regains economic strength "we'd like to contribute more to making the world a better place".

The Journal said he made it clear that one way Japan would "contribute" would be countering China in Asia.

già Zarathustra

"la 4C sarà un trabiccolo per incompetenti" (Ipse dixit)


con tutti questi sukhoi e cinesate varie che ronzano nei cieli dell'estremo oriente qualcuno avrà bisogno del miglior intercettore oggi in commercio :§

e siccome l'F-22 non è in commercio e il PAK-FA è ancora un prototipo...

Alfa Romeo Giulietta, 1.4 TBI Multiair 170 CV Exclusive (2013)

Scramble per gli f-15 giapponesi contro 4 aerei da guerra cinesi | GeopoliticalCenter

due aerei di allerta precoce Y8 e due bombardieri H6 (la versione cinese del bombardiere strategico Sovietico TU-16)

Non voglio fare il pignoletto, magari mi sbaglio io, ma l'Y8 non l'ho mai sentito, lo Shenyang J-8 invece sì... aereo da bombardamento navale, in pratica un aereo-silurante dei tempi moderni, infatti è in carico alla marina cinese, sempre se non mi sbaglio...

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