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La Jihad e le guerre dimenticate

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Gli americani sono sempre stati pronti ad allearsi ai peggiori fondamentalisti sunniti pur di tenere lontano i russi, e prima ancora gli inglesi, fosse per loro farebbero un sunnistan controllato dai saudi, gli anglosassoni si sopravvalutano pensano di poter controllare sempre i muslim di cui anche da loro è pieno ma potrebbero sbagliare i conti, giocano col fuoco di maree umane e della feccia islamica, fanno esperimenti di ingegneria sociale, di ipotetiche "integrazioni multiculturali" come fosse il piccolo chimico e rischiano di esserne travolti e tutto per questioni di soldi perchè in fondo gli anglos sono veramente attaccati solo ai soldi, li amano più della loro stessa madre

Inviato (modificato)
1 ora fa, Martin Venator dice:


Appunto. Partendo dal mare, fino all'Eufrate, è zona russa; oltre, a est dell'Eufrate, è zona americana. 

L'abbattimento è avvenuto proprio a oriente dell'Eufrate, non ad ovest. ;-) Praticamente i russi ti confermano che oltre l'Eufrate, direzione est, non aiutano i siriani. I caccia americani che partono dalla portaerei nel Mediterraneo dovranno fare il giro largo. 


Infatti gli americani si riposizionano. ;)


Pentagon changes disposition of US-led coalition aircraft in Syria - al Masdar (via Interfax)



DAMASCUS, SYRIA (9:40 P.M.) – The United States decided to re-position fighter jets belonging to the US-led international coalition, Pentagon’s spokesman Adrian Rankine-Galloway told reporters on Monday.

“As a result of recent clashes with Syrian pro-regime and Russian forces, we took precautions to change the disposition of the aircraft in Syria in order to continue fighting Islamic State, while maintaining safety of our pilots – considering the known threats on the battlefield,” he told Interfax agency.

Rankine-Galloway did not give a straight answer regarding Russia’s decision to halt participation in the Memorandum on incident prevention in Syria.

According to him, “the U.S. are always ready to work with the Russians on incident prevention to maintain safety of the coalition’s pilots during combat operations.”

“The direct channel on conflict prevention has proved its effectiveness in terms of decreasing the probability of strategic miscalculations and de-escalation of tensions,” said Rankine-Galloway.

In the meantime, the U.S. are going to work with Russia through diplomatic and military channels in order to restore the incident prevention direct line, head of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joseph Dunford, told the press on Monday speaking at the conference of National Press club.


Modificato da Martin Venator

già Zarathustra

"la 4C sarà un trabiccolo per incompetenti" (Ipse dixit)

Inviato (modificato)

Due i missili e due i Super Hornet impegnati contro il Su-22 siriano qualche giorno fa. Il Sidewinder, lanciato per primo, è stato evitato, mentre l'AMRAAM ha colpito il bersaglio. 


New details on US shoot down of Syrian jet - CNN



"They saw the Su-22 approaching," Navy Capt. Jeff Davis,a Pentagon spokesman, told reporters Tuesday. "It again had dirty wings; it was carrying ordinance. They did everything they could to try to warn it away. They did a head-butt maneuver, they launched flares, but ultimately the Su-22 went into a dive and it was observed dropping munitions and was subsequently shot down,"

"Dirty wings" is a military term used to describe a plane carrying armaments. In "a head-butt maneuver, the planes fly just in advance of another to create heavy wake and get its attention," Davis explained.

Immediately after the Syrian Su-22 fighter jet dropped its bombs, two American F/A-18E Super Hornets, flying from the George H.W. Bush aircraft carrier, engaged, firing a AIM-9 Sidewinder -- a short-range air-to-air missile -- at the Syrian plane from about half a mile away, two US officials told CNN.

But the Syrian jet deployed defensive flares, causing the US missile to miss its target. The US pilot proceeded to fire off a second missile, an AIM 120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile, which hit its intended target, downing the Syrian warplane and forcing its pilot to eject, the officials added.


Modificato da Martin Venator

già Zarathustra

"la 4C sarà un trabiccolo per incompetenti" (Ipse dixit)


Tra parentesi , gli Su-22 siriani non hanno né radar né dispositivi EW per il tracking radar altrui e non hanno contromisure elettroniche per i missili a guida radar come AMRAAM .

sono solo dei robusti camion portabombe / portarazzi.

In pratica come sparare ad una papera nella vaschetta.


  • Mi Piace 1

Archepensevoli spanciasentire Socing.


ricordo che appena si seppe della questione Emirati vs. Qatar dissi che probabilmente c'entrava anche Al Jazeera. Pare che non fossi poi così fuori strada:



The closure of the Qatar-funded broadcaster al-Jazeera is among 13 wide-ranging demands tabled by Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States as the price for lifting a two-week trade and diplomatic embargo of Qatar.


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