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NC-Y Concept


NC-Z Concept


AYLA Luxury Concept


AYLA GT Concept


AYLA X-Track Concept


UFC 2 Concept


D-R Estate Concept


CUV Concept



Press Release :

Daihatsu to Exhibit Eight Concept Cars at the Indonesia International Motor Show 2013PT Astra Daihatsu Motor (hereinafter ADM), a subsidiary of Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd.

(hereinafter Daihatsu) in Indonesia, will exhibit eight models that will make their world debut

as well as a technological booth, AYLA Technology, at the Indonesia International Motor

Show 2013 to be held on September 19 (Thurs.) through September 29 (Sun.) in Jakarta,


Daihatsu, exhibiting under the slogan, “Daihatsu is our best friend. [Daihatsu Sahabatku] ”

will take on the theme of “Compact ECO Mobility Best Friend” at this motor show, and with

an aim to be a leading company in compact cars, will appeal to the audience by

demonstrating the craft of making fuel-efficient and affordable cars cultivated in Japan and

Daihatsu’s initiatives that accelerated its localization on various fronts.

UFC 2 is a concept car that is an evolved version of UFC, which was exhibited in 2012, and

was designed primarily by ADM. By taking advantage of Daihatsu’s compact car technology,

the car incorporates convenience that is indispensable in everyday life in Indonesia,

allowing a compact body that makes it easy to drive, while simultaneously having a large

enough interior to seat seven people.

The CUV is a dream-inspiring Cross-over Utility Vehicle with a sporty exterior that can be

used in various scenarios by utilizing its split rear door that opens upward and downward as

well as by creating space in the rear by rearranging the rear seats.

D-R Estate, which is also an evolved version of D-R that was exhibited in 2012, balances

both the joy of driving and fuel efficiency, as it is outfitted with a high-quality material interior

styled elegantly and creatively, while equipped with a 660 cc engine.

AYLA World will address the future possibilities of AYLA that was launched for sale earlier

through the three concepts, namely the AYLA GT, an aerodynamic type that will appeal to

sports-minded customers, the tough AYLA X-track (cross track), which can handle off-road

conditions, and the AYLA Luxury, which offers a step up in terms of its luxurious feel.

NC-Y and NC-Z are concept cars that were developed in two ways in pursuit of an even

more compact form than the AYLA. The AYLA is a model that has inherited the fuel

efficiency and affordability that were realized in the Mira e:S. Meanwhile, the NC-Y adds a

practical, intellectual image and the NC-Z adds a dynamic, cool image to this concept,

indicating the direction of products that lie beyond the AYLA.


Ultimamente Daihatsu non fa altro che presentare concepts su concepts :lol: ; al salone Indonesiano ne ha presentati ben 8.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.


ma come Pandino si è fatto sfuggire queste bellezze e non ha aperto lui la discussione?:lol:

tra tutti forse il meno peggio è AYLA X-Track Concept

Questi pareva a me maestro e donno,cacciando il lupo e ' lupicini al monte per che i Pisan veder Lucca non ponno.


Ossignore :disp2:

ma come Pandino si è fatto sfuggire queste bellezze e non ha aperto lui la discussione? :lol:

Son stato battuto sul tempo dal suv Volkswagen :mrgreen:

My cars...

Autobianchi Y10 1.1 i.e. (1992) - Lancia Ypsilon LX BEV (2024)





Alla faccia del "concept" :disp:

Questo è pantografare allo stato puro...

Some guys they just give up living

And start dying little by little, piece by piece

Some guys come home from work and wash up

Then go racin' in the street

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