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Quanto ti piace la Lexus RC 2014?  

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  1. 1. Quanto ti piace la Lexus RC 2014?

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ridicola. ripeto, ridicola.

mah... c'è qualcosa che mi piace: qualche linea i fanali... mi sembra che si ispiri al genio italico in salsa giapponese (che le mangia le trofie col sushi?)



l'eleganza di una GT è altra cosa....

Fiat 127 - 903 ab | Fiat Regata 100 S i.e. | Daewoo Nubira SW 1600 SX-Fiat Panda Young 750 ab ('89) | Fiat Punto Easy 1.2 Nero Tenore

Camper Adria Coral 655 Sp su Ducato Maxi 2.8 jtd 127cv


Finalmente la F-Sport.

Per assurdo il frontale è meno tormentato con la griglia a disegno unico, anche se continuo ad odiare quei fendinebbia a led che hanno inserito nella cornice della griglia anzichè nel paraurti come la sostanza mi piace, però vorrei vedere il posteriore se cambia.

Il rivestimento delle portiere con pellame di due colori e cuciture a contrasto è splendido e molto raffinato. :shock:


Peccato gli si sia squagliato il muso, avevano fatto un bel lavoro.

Anch'io ci vedo qualche idea presa dalla GranTurismo, ma più sul posteriore.

Alfa Romeo MiTo 1.4 MultiAir TB 135 CV TCT Distinctive, 2012

  • 8 mesi fa...

Lexus RC media test drive canceled in Japan -- for lack of interest

AR-141109881.jpg&MaxW=622&cci_ts=20141106122045The event was supposed to showcase the Lexus RC sports coupe, the lineup's new halo car.

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November 6, 2014 - 12:08 pm ET




TOKYO -- Well, this is embarrassing. For Toyota Motor Corp. as well as Japan’s so-called automotive press corps.

Toyota notified journalists last week that a long-scheduled new-car test-drive event was scrubbed -- for lack of interest.

And it was not just for any new car. The event was supposed to showcase the new Lexus RC sports coupe, the lineup’s new halo car in a post-LFA world and definitely its best-looking one.

Also on hand: the RC F high-performance version.

The drive, which was to be held Friday in Yokohama just south of Tokyo, “has been canceled due to insufficient attendance,” Toyota said in an apologetic email to non-Japanese media based in Japan.

Both Japanese and non-Japanese media were invited. Automotive News, for the record, RSVP’d to show up and drive.

Toyota’s cancelation is all but unprecedented. It begs the question of whether it would have saved more face just to go ahead with the event, even with a pathetically low turnout.

Toyota public relations was stunned. A baffled spokesman said it was just one more sickening example of the auto-alienation syndrome gripping this country and its young.

It’s a common refrain these days: Japanese just don’t get geared up about cars anymore, not even sexy ones like the RC.

Some journalists had a different take.

“Why would I go all the way to Yokohama to test drive a sports car like the RC and just sit in traffic?” quipped one German business reporter who was put off by the hour trip out of town.

To be sure, the event lacked the cachet of Lexus’ weekend country road trip in rural Japan for the GS. Or even the Scion FR-S’s mountain pass drive through the foothills of Mount Fuji.

But the miffed German journalist, comparing the Lexus RC offer with similar events sponsored by Mercedes-Benz or BMW in his homeland, said it also spoke to a deeper disconnect in Japan.

“If it’s a luxury brand, they need to radiate a certain image,” he said. “Even to journalists.”


Ma si è mai sentita una cosa del genere ? :shock:

P.S.: al tetesco di Cermania nun j'è parso vero di poter sputare un po' di veleno sulla concorrenza........:lol:

. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:



Se non ho capito male si trattava di andarla a provare in mezzo al traffico di Yokohama.

In effetti mi metto nei panni dell'editore che deve spesare gli addetti stampa per farli arrivare e soggiornare in tanta malora, senza poter fare un reportage interessante (es. in pista) di un'auto che per quanto valida di sicuro non è un'icona che tira e ti fa guadagnare (vendite o visite) ;)


Ma la RC bianca ha i cerchi della 500X Cross (cioè il contrario ecco) :lol:

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