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BMW i8 Spyder (Notizie)


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Will share its powertrain with the coupe

BMW introduced the i8 Concept Spyder at the 2012 Beijing Motor Show and a new report is indicating the model has been approved for production.

According to Bimmer Post, the car was green-lighted last Friday after executives were shown a production intent model with a Solar Orange exterior with blue accents. Little else is known about the car but it will reportedly feature styling inspired by the concept.

Power will be provided by a 1.5-liter TwinPower Turbo three-cylinder petrol engine that develops 231 HP (170 kW) and 320 Nm (236 lb-ft) of torque. It is backed by an electric motor that contributes an additional 131 HP (96 kW) and 250 Nm (184 lb-ft) of torque. This setup will enable the car to have a combined maximum output of 362 HP (266 kW) and 570 Nm (420 lb-ft) of torque.

If everything pans out, the i8 Spyder could be introduced in late 2015.


Luce verde per la i8 Spyder, che vedremo non prima del 2015.

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