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quanto ti piace la Chrysler 200 (2015)?  

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  1. 1. quanto ti piace la Chrysler 200 (2015)?

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mmm I see...

you know fuel taxation in europe is quite different from yours ;)

I do think in 15/20 years diesel engines are going to die in europe even if diesels are more efficient

in north america diesel won't do looks like it is too late

Depends, in Switzerland diesel is more expensive than gasoline and there are few diesel cars for that reason.

Are 87 and 94 the octane number? If yes brr.... In Europe the minimum is 95 XD

Octane measurement in usa has a different scale than eu.. 87 US should be our 95, 94 US is our eu 102/105
Thanks a lot!

cio fioi gavemo finio de parlar foresto? :razz: almeno bilingue... :mrgreen:

Fiat 127 - 903 ab | Fiat Regata 100 S i.e. | Daewoo Nubira SW 1600 SX-Fiat Panda Young 750 ab ('89) | Fiat Punto Easy 1.2 Nero Tenore

Camper Adria Coral 655 Sp su Ducato Maxi 2.8 jtd 127cv

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Guest EC2277
cio fioi gavemo finio de parlar foresto? :razz: almeno bilingue... :mrgreen:


That is an american car and so it is logical talk about it in English; isn't it?

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  • 7 mesi fa...

Marchionne bumps head with designers

Chrysler designers will probably think twice the next time they consider borrowing an idea from a rival carmaker.

At the Detroit auto show this month, Fiat Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne launched into a long discussion of why the Chrysler 200 sedan hadn't secured the admiration -- or the recommendation -- of Consumer Reports.


"The 200 failed because somebody thought that the rear-seat entry point inside the 200 -- which is our fault, by the way -- is not up to snuff," Marchionne said.

The problem: The slope of the roof crimps the entry portal.

Then the boss explained what went wrong. "The Hyundai which we copied [presumably the Sonata] has the same problem," Marchionne admitted. "We didn't copy the car, we copied the entry point to the rear seat. Dummies. I acknowledge it. Some people from design left some of their private parts on the table after we came up with that determination. But I think we're learning from this process."

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Imho, se CR fosse in grado d'indirizzare opinioni e gusti dei consumatori al punto da determinare il successo (o il fallimento) di una vettura, a quest'ora il marchio Jeep sarebbe solo un lontano ricordo..........Ho l'impressione che spesso si tenda a considerare i consumatori più stupidi di quanto in realtà siano.

Modificato da pennellotref

. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:

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