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The Fiat sweatshirt

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The Fiat logo from the 20s-30s, standing proud atop the roof at Lingotto, can today be worn: the first Fiat item of clothing has arrived, a limited-edition sweatshirt produced by the company Hydrogen.

The vintage-style Fiat sweatshirt, produced in two color versions, white with blue logo and vice versa, uses the logo’s colors and lettering, with the “A” rather rounded, similar to the drivers' uniforms of the time.

A logo that can also be seen on a vintage car, the Fiat Mefistofele, which, thanks to its exceptional engine capacity of 21,000 cc, set the absolute speed record of 234 km/hr in 1923.

The sweatshirt was launched in Milan at the end of December, at an evening attended by many famous names from the world of design and show-business, and by young entrepreneurs.

Only 999 Fiat sweatshirts have been produced, of which 400 were distributed to 20 Italian shops and sold out immediately.

December 2003




Dove l'hai trovato ??

Vedete che se ne parla (e che sarà un oggetto "cult") ??!!!! Lo so che non frega a molti, ma è stata secondo me un ottima mossa di marketing... bisogna ammetterlo !


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