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[Vecchia] I Prossimi Modelli Alfa Romeo (Notizie)

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I've just reviewed FIAT FY2013 results and figured out some interesting facts about Alfa Romeo.

Breakdown of unusual items

Asset write-downs mainly related to rationalization of architectures associated with new product strategy (mn.euro)

Repositioning of Alfa Romeo brand (175) (2013 including write-off of previously capitalized R&D related to new model development for Alfa Romeo products)

Repositioning of Fiat brand (90)

Maserati R&D due to change of platform for luxury SUV (65)

Cast Iron business (60)

I think it means that Alfa Romeo future will start from a blank sheet

'92 155 1.8 TS 8v Super

  • Risposte 7.1k
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Per Alfa voto : 1) Giulia berlina, 2) G sw , 3) Giulia GT 4) Spider, 5) SUV , 6) Alfetta berlina, 7) Alfetta sw

Si parla di ...entro 2016... quindi escluderei la sostituta di Giulietta

Dimentichi la Mazda-Alfa

Inviato (modificato)

max_pershin said: I think it means that Alfa Romeo future will start from a blank sheet

Hi max_pershin. It's my hope! :agree:

Per X82: intendevo la Spider;)

Modificato da lino68
Inviato (modificato)
I've just reviewed FIAT FY2013 results and figured out some interesting facts about Alfa Romeo.

I think it means that Alfa Romeo future will start from a blank sheet

I believe it is specifically referring to work done on the D-RWD platform development that was being carried out at Auburn Hills until the beginning if 2013, and that has been scrapped for a number of reasons. There were several mules being tested, but Alfa kept requesting changes upon changes; they probably figured it was more efficient to let them do the job after all.

The new D-RWD that's in the works in Modena is an entirely new effort being led by "Alfa Romeo" (Maserati, Dodge and SRT participate as well). Everything that had been done in AH until now has been "written off".

Modificato da RVC
I believe it is specifically referring to work done on the D-RWD platform development that was being carried out at Auburn Hills until the beginning if 2013, and that has been scrapped for a number of reasons. There were several mules being tested, but Alfa kept requesting changes upon changes; they probably figured it was more efficient to let them do the job after all.

The new D-RWD that's in the works in Modena is an entirely new effort being led by "Alfa Romeo" (Maserati, Dodge and SRT participate as well). Everything that had been done in AH until now has been "written off".

come sai tutti questi dettagli?

Firma editata dallo staff: dimensioni non consentite, verificare i formati utilizzabili elencati nel regolamento

Beh i 4 Maserati sono la Levante, il replacement delle sportive, e la GranSport...

7 modelli Alfa invece... :pen:

Penso queste:

4c Targa


Giulia berlina

Giulia SW


Suv medio

Suv Grande

scusate ma giulia e alfetta non sarebbero la stessa cosa? o le immaginate come il corrispettivo di 33 e 75?

Chiaramente sono solo elucubrazioni, a Maggio se ne saprà di più, ma Giulia si confronterebbe con Bmw serie 3 mentre Alfetta con serie 5 ;)

come sai tutti questi dettagli?

Persone dentro AH e conferme da terzi che hanno altri contatti con altri insider.

Questa discussione è chiusa.

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