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Secondo fonti Fiat avrebbe gia' raggiunto il target delle vendite extraNafta di 1,5mld di $, per cui e' imminente l'aumento azionario al 30% di Chrysler LLC

Fiat said to plan increase in Chrysler stake to 30% within weeks

April 5, 2011 17:19 CET

Fiat S.p.A. aims to raise its Chrysler Group stake to 30 percent within the next few weeks after it clears two U.S. government hurdles linked to receiving the increased holding, two people familiar told Bloomberg News.

CEO Sergio Marchionne plans to sell Chrysler models under the Fiat brand in Brazil to reach the first goal that 90 percent of Fiat's Latin American dealers offer Chrysler vehicles, the people said, declining to be identified because the plans are private.

The plan would allow Marchionne to sidestep negotiations with dealers on Chrysler contracts and avoid the cost of introducing the brand in Brazil, where Fiat has the largest share of the market, one of the people said.

Fiat has already met the second demand of $1.5 billion in revenue outside North America at Chrysler since Fiat took a stake in the carmaker, one person said.

Fiat, which currently owns 25 percent of Chrysler, will get an additional 5 percent of the U.S. government's holding in the company after the Treasury Department is satisfied that the two criteria have been met.

The increase will help Marchionne, who runs both carmakers, reach his goal of a 51 percent stake by the end of 2011.

Fiat is getting the first 35 percent without paying any cash, and must then buy the remaining 16 percent.

Fiat may pay $1.14 billion to exercise its call option on the remaining 16 percent if Marchionne makes the purchase in 2011 and $1.37 billion if he buys it next year, according to JPMorgan analyst Ranjit Unnithan, who has an "underweight" rating on the stock. The cost is linked to Chrysler's earnings.

Technology sharing

Fiat obtained a 20 percent stake in Chrysler in June 2009 as the U.S. company emerged from bankruptcy. Fiat agreed to share technology, systems and management with Chrysler in exchange for an initial 20 percent holding. It raised the stake to 25 percent in January after Chrysler received regulatory approval for an engine based on the Fiat FIRE family for manufacture in U.S.

Chrysler is close to completing a dealership agreement outside North America, with "Brazil ready to start," Marchionne said March 30 at Fiat's annual meeting in Turin, Italy, without providing details.

A Fiat spokesman declined to comment today on the carmaker's Latin American distribution plans. Treasury spokesman Mark Paustenbach declined to comment.

Fiat leads this year in Brazil with a 22.3 percent share of the car and light truck market through mid-March, according to data from Brazilian dealers association Fenabrave. Volkswagen AG is second with 21.8 percent and General Motors Co. is third with 18.2 percent. Fiat is targeting fast-growing economies to counter losses in Europe.

Latin American dealers

Fiat has 700 dealers in Latin America, with 550 in Brazil, while Chrysler has just 35 dealerships. The automakers already plan to build Dodge Journey sport-utility vehicles at a Mexico factory that will be rebadged as the Fiat Freemont for the Brazilian market.

Fiat expects to receive another 5 percent stake by the fourth quarter after meeting a requirement for Chrysler to assemble a Fiat-derived car in the U.S. that gets 40 miles per gallon, Marchionne said last week. Fiat has an option to buy the remaining 16 percent needed to get to 51 percent after repaying Canadian and U.S. government loans.

A planned Chrysler share sale may be pushed into next year so that the carmaker is "ready to be a public company again," Marchionne said last week.

The CEO said in January he expected a Chrysler IPO in the second half. The sale depends on the need for more liquidity at Chrysler and the desire of the United Auto Workers union's retiree health-care trust to sell part of its stake, he said.

Sales increase

Marchionne is pushing Chrysler this year to increase global sales by 32 percent and post its first net income since exiting bankruptcy reorganization in 2009. The automaker through February reported a 14 percent gain in global sales.

Marchionne this year shifted Fiat's truck and tractor units into a separate company to focus on carmaking and foster more auto alliances. Fiat's assets, after the spinoff of Iveco S.p.A.'s trucks and CNH Global NV's tractors into Fiat Industrial S.p.A., include the Maserati and Ferrari luxury brands.

Source: Bloomberg

Tra l'altro sembra che modelli Chrysler saranno venduti con marchio Fiat in brasile...

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il 30% si divide nel raggiungimento (già avvenuto nel 2010) di 1,5ml di $ già e nella distribuzione

dii modelli chrysler\dodge. Per questo, distribuiscono direttamente con fiat, accorciando i tempi senza doversi preoccupare dei punti vendita


sarebbe tutto bello ma resta un peccato perche' tra pochi anni fabbrica italia automobili torino diventera' una societa' americana del tutto e l'Italia perdera' la piu' grande azienda manifatturiera del paese....

Civic Type R - FK2 R-3220 "Type R is all about passion and emotion"

sarebbe tutto bello ma resta un peccato perche' tra pochi anni fabbrica italia automobili torino diventera' una societa' americana del tutto e l'Italia perdera' la piu' grande azienda manifatturiera del paese....

mi sono perso il punto dove sta scritto ciò ;)

a meno che non sia una libera interpretazione degli ultimi avvenimenti quali il referendum di pomigliano (che ha portato la panda dalla Polonia in Italia ) il referendum di mirafiori (che porterà a Torino SUV a marchio Jeep e Alfa romeo) e la dichiarazione che, quando FIAT e Chrysler si fonderanno, la sede legale POTREBBE essere a Detroit (ma di delocalizzare produzione e R&D in USA non se ne è parlato ne è francamente logico farlo)

Alfa Romeo Giulietta, 1.4 TBI Multiair 170 CV Exclusive (2013)


potrebbe ? se maglioncino e john nicchiano sull'argomento, "non e' in agenda" "non è stata presa una decisione" o "per i lavoratori non cambierebbe nulla" e in pratica non hanno mai smentito questa ipotesi che si andra' di la, a me fa pensare che la cosa sia certa, semplicemente non lo dichiarano adesso, cmq non vorrei andare OT :)

Civic Type R - FK2 R-3220 "Type R is all about passion and emotion"

potrebbe ? se maglioncino e john nicchiano sull'argomento, "non e' in agenda" "non è stata presa una decisione" o "per i lavoratori non cambierebbe nulla" e in pratica non hanno mai smentito questa ipotesi che si andra' di la, a me fa pensare che la cosa sia certa, semplicemente non lo dichiarano adesso, cmq non vorrei andare OT :)

E' molto probabile che portino la sede legale in USA.

E probabilemente non a Detroit, ma in Delaware. Per questioni burocratiche e tributarie.

Così come non c'è nessun elemento che dimostrerebbe che fondendo le due aziende e portando la sede legale in USA si perderebbero posti di lavoro in Italia.

Almeno non più di quelli che si perderebbero non facendolo.

Casca a fagiolo questo articolo di Ciferri su Automotive News che spiega entrambe le cose.

Italy won't lose jobs if Fiat and Chrysler become a single company

April 7, 2011 - 12:01 am ET

Italy goes crazy whenever Fiat and Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne says the automakers could become a single legal entity based in the United States.

Politicians and unions sing the same tired old song in unison -- Fiat should remain Italian to preserve jobs in Italy, particularly in its home town of Turin.

But if Fiat-Chrysler did become a single company, there would be little to no effect on jobs in Italy.

Why? Because a merged Fiat-Chrysler Corp. would be incorporated in the tiny U.S. state of Delaware, just like Chrysler, General Motors and Ford Motor are now.

The Detroit Three are in good company. More than 850,000 business entities, including more than half of all U.S. publicly traded companies and 63 percent of the companies on Fortune magazine's annual list of the top 500 U.S. corporations are incorporated in Delaware, according to the Delaware Division of Corporations state agency.

Why? Because Delaware has inexpensive incorporation fees and a court system with 200 years of experience in protecting corporations.

No jobs were lost in the headquarters of GM, Ford and Chrysler in Detroit, Dearborn and Highland Park/Auburn Hills because the automakers were incorporated in Delaware.

Instead of spreading bad information that incorporating Fiat-Chrysler in the United States would kill jobs in Italy, the country's leaders should instead reform the bureaucracy, Medieval tax system and rigid working practices that drive Italian corporations to shift abroad not just their legal home, but also their operational headquarters.


Vabbè sarebbe in ottima compagnia con Enel, Eni e Agip :§

Join to Delaware the holding paradise :mrgreen:



non avevo risposto per evitare di alimentare l'OT, comunque è esattamente quello che penso. sede legale in USA non significa che qui da noi chiudano stabilimenti o centri di R&D.

anzi.... molto difficilmente le politiche per quanto riguarda il mercato europeo saranno decise negli USA, nella più probabile delle ipotesi non cambierà nulla. la FIAT resta un'azienda italiana, semplicemente farà parte di un gruppone italo-americano con sede legale in USA... che non significa quartier generale decisionale

Alfa Romeo Giulietta, 1.4 TBI Multiair 170 CV Exclusive (2013)

the country's leaders should instead reform the bureaucracy, Medieval tax system and rigid working practices that drive Italian corporations to shift abroad not just their legal home, but also their operational headquarters.

:idol: tanto semplice quanto (pare) impossibile

Fiat Punto I 55 sx '97

Fiat Punto II restyling 1.2 60cv '04

Toyota Prius V2 '06

:idol: tanto semplice quanto (pare) impossibile

Quando si dice "Sparare sulla Croce Rossa" :(((

Sai che cosa diceva quel tale? In Italia sotto i Borgia, per trent'anni, hanno avuto assassinii, guerre, terrore e massacri, ma hanno prodotto Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci e il Rinascimento. In Svizzera hanno avuto amore fraterno, cinquecento anni di pace e democrazia, e che cos' hanno prodotto? Gli orologi a cucù.( O.Welles)

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