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Press release:

For starters, this thing is big, and I mean really big; the gull wing doors alone measure an impressive two meters in length,

while the car itself, at 5,257mm long

It rides on a 3,198mm wheelbase and is 2,109mm wide and 1,357mm tall, while tipping the proverbial scales at 2,300kg

with its flow-cell fuel tanks filled up.

NanoFlowcell, a company based in Lichtenstein, says that the QUANT e-Sportlimousine utilizes four electric motors,

one for each wheel, that give out a combined maximum output of 680kW (925PS or 912hp) and a normal operating output

of 480kW (653PS or 644hp), with a mind-blowing peak torque of 2,900Nm x 4, for a total of…11,600Nm.

We're told that the two-door model can go up to 100km/h (62mph) in just 2.8 seconds, and reach a top speed in

excess of 380km/h (236+mph).

With two full tanks of fuel, the QUANT e-Sportlimousine returns a projected driving range between 400 and 600kms.


La trovo bellissima 8-)

My cars...

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11600 Nm... ecco il biglietto da visita del project engineer


Mazda MX-5 20th anniversary "barbone edition" - Tutto quello che scrivo è IMHO



Non mi piace molto: troppo lunga, un po' sproporzionata, troppo effetto "multistrato" dentro e soprattutto fuori, abitabilità comunque risicata (almeno così mi sembra) nonostante le dimensioni.


Non ricordo quale vettura abbia lo stesso identico muso.

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Questo design a "pastasfoglia" fa molto mazda concept....

di chiara scuola napoletana


:si: :si: :si:

Mazda MX-5 20th anniversary "barbone edition" - Tutto quello che scrivo è IMHO


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