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[h=1]2016 Hurricane Fours: Turbocharged (Again)[/h]

The new “Hurricane” four-cylinder is named after another fighter plane — but the same name was used for a long-gone Jeep engine. Sources have told Allpar that the goal is for one Hurricane to reach 260 horsepower or so, and for another to meet or beat 300 — so it can do a credible job of powering the future Dodge Dart SRT4.


Chrysler tested two-stage turbocharging (illustration on right) in a Department of Energy project, with a small and large turbo to reduce lag and increase power. Insiders say this is not likely to make it to the production engines, probably due to cost; instead, a single twin-scroll turbocharger seems to be planned. It is likely to be relatively small but have a very high rotation speed, compared with past Chrysler turbochargers.

Some insiders have suggested that there will be both 2.0 and 2.4 liter versions, the smaller one for everyday Darts and 200s, and the larger one for SRTs and larger vehicles. The 2.0 turbo could replace the 2.4 liter engine in most cars, and substitute for a V6 for many people as well.

According to “AutoTechnician,” the offset crank reduces cylinder wall side loading and reduces the engine’s height (as may a recent patent for in-the-heads valve timing controls). The connecting rod is more vertical during the power stroke, reducing the force of the piston against the cylinder walls, reducing friction.

One source who has seen the Hurricane Four, which is currently being tested and readied for full production, said it resembled the current World Gas Engine in some ways, and the Pentastar in other; it has a plastic valve cover for reduced weight.

Powertrain chief Bob Lees’ 2014 presentation pointed out that Fiat Chrysler had eleven different small engines, and was planning to replace those with one engine family in two displacement-per-cylinder sizes (leaving open the possibility of two, three, and five cylinder setups).

No timeline was given on when this would happen, which is significant. Alfa Romeo has their own 1.75 liter four (powering the 4C), Fiat has the 1.4 series and its TwinAir and others, both have the Brazilian iTorQ, and Chrysler has their current 2.0 and 2.4. It’s possible that all of these are on borrowed time, and that the Hurricane will be the first of a new generation — or that they are also to be replaced when the new engines are ready. That could be in four years, or ten.


The illustration from that presentation shows features of the future global small engine family— including a single twin-scroll turbocharger, a belt starter generator stop-start system, MultiAir, direct injection, a timing chain, and integrated exhaust manifold with close-coupled catalyst and cooled EGR. The close-coupled catalyst “lights up” faster to meet demanding emissions controls while the cooled EGR helps efficiency (as do the low-friction balance shaft, variable flow auxiliaries, stop-start system, low-friction timing chain, and lightweight crankshaft).

[h=2]Heads: a tigher fit[/h] A recently granted patent (applied for back in 2011 by Chrysler’s Richard H. Sands and Alan G. Falkowski) can cut Chrysler’s costs and reduce the size of their engines, helping the company to either fit larger engines into their cars, or to lower their hoods for better aerodynamics and sportier shapes.


The patent applies to in-line and V-engines alike, which means it could be used for the upcoming Hurricane turbocharged four-cylinder; but the drawings and a specific size example are taken from a V6 engine, presumably the PUG (Pentastar Upgrade).

According to the patent description, the new setup would integrate valve controls into the head, rather than having them sit on the outside with a separate cover; passages inside the head would provide access to the valves. This would save space and reduce cost. Thanks, Steven St. Laurent.

2016 Hurricane Fours: Turbocharged (Again)

Sulla carta sembrerebbe molto interessante e all'avanguardia.

I motori sono come le donne, bisogna saperli toccare nelle parti più sensibili.(Enzo Ferrari)

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Si spera, alla fine il "hurricane" è semplicemente la versione Dodge del nuovo motore della presentazione ufficiale, per cui tutto nuovo. Non possono mettere fuori qualcosa che sia da meno delle proposte Jaguar, Volvo, ecc.

  • 1 mese fa...
Penso invece che il basamento sarà molto simile a quello del tigershark (o quanto meno si parte da quello). Anzi, e può non voler dire nulla, ma se vedi l'immagine della presentazione powertrain e hai un po' di familiarità col basamento del tigershark...

Ti rispondo qui per non mandare troppo fuori tema la discussione della Giulia.

Intendi questa?


non conosco benissimo il blocco del Tigershark,ma vedendo le foto,in comune mi pare di vedere la posizione del filtro olio...tralasciando il blocco in alluminio,distribuzione a catena che sono cose comuni un pò a tutti i motori nuovi ormai.


però la posizione di accessori tipo alternatore e pompa acqua mi pare diversa


comunque non escludo che abbiano usato il TS come base di partenza per sviluppare questa nuova famiglia,però alla fine della fiera non sò quanto avranno in comune...

I motori sono come le donne, bisogna saperli toccare nelle parti più sensibili.(Enzo Ferrari)

Inviato (modificato)

si, se vedi l'immagine di sx si intravede per esempio l'apertura del deck come quella del TS (ma non del 1750 per esempio, che e' chiuso). Ma che poi l'Hurricane sembra avra' essenzialmente un'architettura di base del blocco molto simile, anche se modificata rispetto al TS. Poi va da se che ogni marchio se lo giostra come deve per rientrare negli obiettivi specifici (rumorosità', potenza, costo, ecc). Fra un Hurricane e un motore AR penso ci saranno poche cose condivise (accessori, alternatore/starter, catalizzatore, ecc), ma poi che quello che caratterizzerà' di più i motori sara' totalmente diverso (testate, alimentazione, sovralimentazione, albero, pistoni, bracci, cuscinetti, raffreddamento, ecc).

Insomma, un po come per il blocco "pentastar" se paragonato al V6 maserati (anzi, un po' di piu' visto che quello del pentastar e' stato modificato un po' per poter essere usato come base per il V6 maserati, mentre questo basamento 4cil. immagino risponderà' a tutti i vari requisiti delle varie marche senza necessita' di modifiche).

Modificato da RVC


So you are saying that Hurricane could have a open deck block? Engines from Pratola Serra family are with closed deck block.


So you are saying that Hurricane could have a open deck block? Engines from Pratola Serra family are with closed deck block.

The original "Bialbero" Alfa Romeo have open-deck engine. ;)


So you are saying that Hurricane could have a open deck block? Engines from Pratola Serra family are with closed deck block.

Of course they could, anything is possible :P

Don't worry, you won't have to wait long to find out what's what.

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To be honest, I'm more interested in the outcome of having MA2+ DI in the new engines. With that combination, technically they should have achieved the ultimate level of control over the cycles, more than any other engine out there.

  • 6 mesi fa...
io non ho capito cosa c'entra ferrari con un L4 e un V6... :nonso: Rifanno la Dino? :lol:

Sei stato un veggente, anzi sia sulla Dino che sulla Giulia....


Il mio sito "Gruppo Hainz": - I miei articoli su Automotivespace - E quando ci sarà il nuovo sito di Autopareri anche su - I video del salone di Ginevra 2012

Or MA on diesel to get rid of EGR.

I think that MA coundn't be arrive soon on diesel because with Multijet and EGR they achive Euro 6 also on 2,2 Multijet on Cherokee 4x4 automatic (without urea!).

Non riesco però a capire questi Hurricane rispetto al 2,0 turbobenzina di Alfa Giulia, il GME. Sono due motori differenti?


Il mio sito "Gruppo Hainz": - I miei articoli su Automotivespace - E quando ci sarà il nuovo sito di Autopareri anche su - I video del salone di Ginevra 2012

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