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Tata Crossover - Prj. Q5 (Notizie)

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Rumors about a Land Rover-based Tata crossover have been swirling for years but the Economic Times of India is reporting the two companies are close to finalizing a joint project to build a model that will compete with the Ford Endeavour, Hyundai Santa Fe and Toyota Fortuner.Citing sources "familiar with the matter," the newspaper is reporting 45 engineers are working on the project which is reportedly codenamed "Q5." Little is known about the model but it is slated to be a five-seat crossover that is based on the outgoing Freelander 2 (aka LR2). As one source explained, "The SUV is likely to be 50-85% different from the existing Freelander, but it will have the genes of a Land Rover with JLR quality."

If everything goes according to plan the model will be launched in 2016 or 2017 and cost approximately Rs 20-25 lakh ($33,205 / £24,178).

Tra due o tre anni dovrebbe vedere la luce il primo tangibile giovamento - per Tata - dall'acquisizione dei gruppi britannici: a quanto pare il project Q5 su cui stan lavorando gli ingegneri del gruppo non sarebbe altro che un crossover, probabilmente a 7 posti, basato sull'attuale generazione di Freelander da cui, comunque, si discosterà tra il 50% e l'80% dei componenti.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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