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Quel modello 3d non è un granché comunque.. Immagino ci siano differenze notevoli tra i vari esemplari della 33, ma parte inferiore del musetto imho è completamente cannata:





Mi sa che è questo

alfa romeo stradale 3d model

Specchietti, cerchi e sedili corrispondono

E poi lo sanno tutti che la più sexy è il prototipo a quattro fari del Museo Storico :si:



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Se non ricordo male cambiano anche le leggi sulle omologazioni se sfori certi numeri annui.

Ps non ricordo se in eu o usa o entrambe

In EU sicuramente (anche se sono numeri immatricolati, non prodotti).. in USA non ho idea...


Beschleunigung ist, wenn die Tränen der Ergriffenheit waagrecht zum Ohr hin abfliessen

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Ciredo ci siano spunti interessanti.. sarebbe interessante fare lo stesso con una EU...


Corner Weight

We have a car scale set at work. I finally used it to weigh my 4C today. I didn't get any pictures though. The scales are our own brand, although they're similar to Longacre and other brands.

The four scales are designed to tell you the footprint of the car, how much weight is on each tire. From this I can use a smart phone or PDA to link to the scale and the app does the math. But I don't have those so I did it myself with pencil and paper.

This is with an almost full (7/8) tank of gas and no items in car. No driver.

-------- left | right

- front 516 | 490 = 1006


-- rear 728 | 719 = 1447


------- 1244 | 1209

Total car weight is 2453.

41/59 balance.

Adding the left front with the right rear and the right front with the left rear gives us the diagonal weights.

LF+RR = 1235

RF+LR =1218

The diagonal weights are 17 pounds apart which is very good. The car should feel well balanced on the track. It should feel equally good turning both left and right.

I can't easily change the front axle or rear axle weight, nor can I adjust the side weight. But I can put a shim under one spring to attempt to adjust the diagonal balance. For those that upgrade to "coil overs", this has a screw type adjustment that make diagonal adjusting easy. I need to point out that 17 pounds is so close that it's not worth the effort of playing with shims. If it was 50 pounds out I would shim it.

No two cars will be the same, but you can expect yours to be close to this.


Beschleunigung ist, wenn die Tränen der Ergriffenheit waagrecht zum Ohr hin abfliessen

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Beh è vero... Anzi nemmeno 500 ancora.. Sta parlando della versione us dopotutto. Non hanno ancora consegnato le LE è non stanno prendendo ordini per le Se.


Beschleunigung ist, wenn die Tränen der Ergriffenheit waagrecht zum Ohr hin abfliessen

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Alfa Romeo has arrived in North America. Marking the brand's return to the US, Alfa Romeo revealed the 4C Coupe at the Los Angeles Auto Show. Having such a strong and dedicated fan base, interviews with Enthusiasts were captured on-site to show what makes Alfa Romeo so special. During the 4C reveal at LAAS enthusiasts express their excitement, sentiment and passion for Alfa Romeo and explain what it means to have this iconic brand return to the US.

Attori pagati da Reid Bigland :§:lol:
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Beh è vero... Anzi nemmeno 500 ancora.. Sta parlando della versione us dopotutto. Non hanno ancora consegnato le LE è non stanno prendendo ordini per le Se.

le "SE" infatti hanno una nomenclatura ipotetica :si:

Mazda MX-5 20th anniversary "barbone edition" - Tutto quello che scrivo è IMHO


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