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Gallery completa MINI Officially Introduces us to Paceman Adventure Pickup Truck [124 Photos] - Carscoops

Creative visionaries: MINI Paceman Adventure.

Apprentices at the BMW Plant in Munich pick-up the spirit of MINI with a unique vehicle based on the MINI Cooper S Paceman ALL4.

Munich. A creative collaboration between young apprentices and their instructors at the BMWs plant in Munich and Dingolfing has produced a completely unique vision for MINI. Choosing the MINI Cooper S Paceman as

their base model, the students transformed the car into a two seater with a pickup style cargo area. The powerful turbocharged engine, all-wheel drive ALL4 , a modified suspension and numerous unique features available mean

this versatile car is ready for just about anything. The name: MINI Paceman Adventure.

This latest creative vision for the MINI brand demonstrates the level of talent at work amongst the BMW Group’s young apprentices. The MINI Paceman Adventure combines the drive technology of the 135 kW/184 hp MINI Cooper

S Paceman ALL4 with an innovative two-seater pick-up vehicle concept. The passenger compartment ends behind the front seats where the spacious cargo area for luggage, tools and equipment begins. In addition, a solid roof

rack can accommodate a spare wheel.

The MINI Paceman Adventure would be suitable for driving on gravel roads, through muddy tracks or on desert trails. The pickup has the typically MINI short overhangs, a modified chassis with extended ground clearance and

much higher front and rear clearance ramps. The snorkel-like roof level air intake means that MINI Paceman Adventure could tackle a challenging river crossing.

Additional lights mounted on the front cross member of the roof rack optimize visibility at night, while special off-road tyres with wide and deep treads guarantee the perfect traction. The MINI Paceman Adventure features

exclusive Jungle Green metallic paintwork.

The MINI Paceman Adventure is a true one-off and there are no plans for

series production.

Modificato da AleMcGir
  • Risposte 21
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7:32 : Segni i punti coglionazzo !


Ma l'avessero almeno fatta sulla Clubman, e non su 'sto bitorzolo qua...

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