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Messaggio aggiunto da __P,


• Fiat Panda MY24 ➡️ PRESENTATA!

• Fiat Grande Panda ➡️ PRESENTATA!

• Abarth 600e ➡️ PREVIEW 



UV5/F2U ~ Fiat C-UV Boxy “Multipla” ➡️ CONCEPT  ➡️ RUMOR TOPIC

332 ~ Fiat 500 Ibrida ➡️ RUMOR TOPIC



F2X ~ Fiat C-UV Crossover “newTipo” ➡️ CONCEPT ➡️ RUMOR TOPIC



• new 500e




Modelli presentati nel corso del 2023

• Abarth 500e ➡️ PRESENTATA!

• Fiat Topolino ➡️ PRESENTATA! 
• Fiat 600e & 600 Hybrid ➡️ PRESENTATA!

Messaggi Raccomandati:

I like the presentations of Olivier François. He always smiles and speaks clearly and understandably. I expected a little bit more from this EV day for Fiat.


I understand that Fiat will not be the pulling brand in Stellantis however I hope it can shine.


There were some problem for me about this presentation:


First: Fiat DNA

I remember, that 2014 Fiat with FCA showed a very good presentation with full of optimistic plans for the future. There was a DNA – Rational-Emotional line. In 2021 Fiat uses the „DNA” idea and says „we don’t have to twist our brand”. Okay FCA era was different, but as I see Stellantis still doesn’t know how to use Fiat…



Fiat always tries to show, that environment is important and they watching „More care for the planet”. But EMEA region is not the whole world! This sentence made me confused: „examples from European plan do not all apply to Latin America”.


Europe has stricter rules about environment protection, so Fiat in Latin America could follow the local rules. Slowly I started to envy the Fiats in Latam. It seems they have more freedom and more model types!!!

It is not environmental protection that matters, but following the rules. This is an additional benefit. I hate this kind of communication…







Modificato da krycek07
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