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Aggiornato al 07/10/2021


949/Stelvio MCA

952/Giulia MCA


• 2024
Kid/B-UV: SUV di segmento B, disponibile anche in versione BEV che debutterà nel 2023 



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Le parole di Bigland invece sono soltanto quelle...



“Our goal is absolutely to go toe to toe with the Germans, but that’s not a two-year plan," said Bigland. "We’re just not going to get there that quickly. They’re in every segment and spinning derivatives off those segments.

“Even with the new [Stelvio] SUV, we will only have 50% coverage of the market. We need to pick our strategy and get it right. We have one chance to make the best possible car with every launch.”

“The reason people will buy our mid-sized SUV is because they will get blown away by the driving dynamics,” he said.

“Every car Alfa makes must stand apart for that reason. This car will not disappoint.”

“The whole world is gravitating to SUVs,” he said. “A few years ago, an Alfa SUV would have been sacrilegious, but now it makes perfect sense. Our job is to keep an eye on consumer preferences and give people what they want.”

“Whatever car Alfa Romeo makes must stand apart for its agility, noise and general driving experience,” he said. “A large SUV can work in that space - the Maserati Levante proves that, but it’s a five not seven-seater.”

“Ten years ago I’d have said we need the saloon to credibly take on the Germans. Now, the explosion in SUV sales changes that. I’m not saying we won’t do the saloon, but it might not be next on the list.”

“The segment size and profitability are not what they were,” said Bigland. “The discounting in those segments is brutal now, even among the established players. The market size is also interesting. It’s holding at the moment, but at the cost of profitability. For anything other than an SUV, the value proposition is increasingly challenging.”

“The Giorgio platform is capable, but it will depend on customer requirements,” said Bigland. “How many rear-drive cars are there in that segment? It’s a dying breed. To do it would mark us out as different, but we need to look very deeply at what the market is asking for.”

“Arguably, the Mito doesn’t play a role outside Europe, but it continues to make a valuable contribution to Europe, so we’re looking to continue to improve it,” he said.



  • Mi Piace 2
Inviato (modificato)
48 minuti fa, T a u r u s dice:


Si una differenza di prezzo tipo GLE vs GLE Coupe oppure X5 vs X6, a parte che 964 avrà pure motorizzazioni 4 cilindri benzina e diesel come la 2.0 da 280cv e la 2.2 diesel da 210cv. 




961(full-size sedan) e 964(full-size SUV) sono entrambe approvate per produzione e sono i prossimi modelli che vedremo, il 5o sarà la 962(Compact SUV) poi le sportive 963(963 Coupe e 963 Spider) ed infine la nuova giulietta(965)



Ce la faranno a farne almeno una all'anno? per esempio 961 in tutto il 2017?


963 è la giulia coupè o più un simil-4C?

Modificato da tipt

Che poi sta storia della concorrenza in casa da evitare non mi è mai tornata. Sarà meglio che i clienti si combattano tra una Levante e un'alfa SUV full size che tra Levante e Cayenne!! Tanto i soldi sempre in casa FCA rimarrebbero.. Così dai più possibilità di scelta al cliente il quale, magari non piacendo Levante, non sarebbe costretto a guardare solo fuori dal gruppozzo.

  • Mi Piace 2

Autocar ha intervistato Reid Bigland, al vertice dell'Alfa Romeo, che ha parlato dei modelli in arrivo. Nove nuovi modelli entro il 2021, tra i quali un SUV di grandi dimensioni, un SUV dall'impronta sportiveggiante, più piccolo della Stelvio, Giulia station wagon, un ammiraglia, la nuova Giulietta; un crossover basato sulla Giulietta e una coupé erede della Brera, anche in versione spyder. Si aggiunge l'erede della MiTo, che Bigland considera ancora rilevante per l'Europa e quindi potrebbe avere un futuro.


Quindi riassumendo:




- D SW

- E berlina

- C hatch


- C Coupè

- C Spider

- B hatch


In totale in effetti fanno 9






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