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Škoda MPV (Spy)

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A quanto pare Skoda ha confermato:

It turns out the rumor was true as Skoda has officially announced the Roomster will not live to see a second generation.Earlier this week, Auto Motor und Sport reported Skoda decided to stop work of an all-new Roomster, even though the model was in an advanced development stage. To be fair, a new Roomster didn’t actually require a lot of R&D since essentially it would have turned out to be a slightly modified Volkswagen Caddy.

Now, a Skoda official told Autovisie there won’t be a new Roomster as the VW-owned marque wants to focus on crossovers and SUVs. That’s not really a surprise taking into account the Volkswagen Group announced a while back that products that aren’t “absolutely necessary” will be postponed and others even cancelled. It seems one of the first victims is the Roomster as it won’t get a successor of today’s aging model launched way back in 2006.

Skoda’s top priority right now is a seven-seat SUV confirmed for a debut in production guise at the Paris Auto Show in October 2016. We’ve learned recently from Skoda officials there are some “surprises” for next year, among which there could be the facelifted Octavia with a double headlight design.


 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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  • 3 settimane fa...
On Wednesday, December 09, 2015 at 15:55, itr83 dice:

Ma quindi sostituiscono Roomster con un Caddy rimarchiato?

che tristezza Roomster era un mpv molto carino e originale...

Oddio, de gustibus.. io l'ho sempre considerata un'auto in cui la parte fino al montante B non c'entra una mazza col resto :lol:

Problemi miei ;)

Some guys they just give up living

And start dying little by little, piece by piece

Some guys come home from work and wash up

Then go racin' in the street

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La nuova generazione della Roomster (che avrebbe dovuto essere quella degli spy) non vedrà la luce, il progetto è stato bloccato, molto probabilmente perchè il tutto verrà sostituto/coperto dal futuro mini crossover che si posizionerà sotto a Yeti.


Se avessero messo a listino il Caddy by Skoda avrei almeno cambiato il nome e non utilizzato Roomster.


P.S. La Roomster in realtà è stata un'auto molto apprezzata dal mercato (ne vedo molte in giro) e dai clienti che la possiedono o l'hanno posseduta. Secondo me ha "rubato" parecchi clienti anche alla stessa Fabia SW.


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