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Presentazione definitiva e conferma per il nome Mirai (futuro in giapponese)







Press Release:

[h=1]The Future Has Arrived, and It's Called Mirai[/h]President Akio Toyoda announces name of fuel cell sedan in web video

CEO Jim Lentz announces expansion of Toyota fuel cell infrastructure investment to five-state Northeastern corridor

November 17, 2014

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., (Nov. 17, 2014) – Akio Toyoda has seen the future, and it’s called “Mirai.” That’s the name of Toyota’s new fuel cell vehicle, which the company’s president announced in a video released the night before the car’s official launch.

Mirai, which means “future” in Japanese, represents a turning point for the automotive industry. The groundbreaking vehicle can travel up to 300 miles on a single tank of hydrogen, refuel in less than five minutes and emits only water vapor.

Expanded Support for New Hydrogen Stations

Of course, the car of the future won’t become a reality without the hydrogen stations to support it. That’s why Toyota North America chief executive officer (CEO) Jim Lentz announced a new commitment to drive the development of a hydrogen refueling infrastructure in five northeastern U.S. states.

To support Mirai’s introduction to the region in 2016, Toyota is collaborating with Air Liquide to develop and supply a phased network of 12 state-of-the-art hydrogen stations targeted for New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. The states and locations have been strategically selected in the greater New York and Boston areas to provide the backbone of a hydrogen highway for the Northeast corridor. Specific details of the collaboration will be revealed in the coming months.

“Toyota’s vision of a hydrogen society is not just about building a great car, but ensuring accessible, reliable and convenient refueling for our customers,” said Jim Lentz. “I am happy to announce that this vision will expand beyond the borders of California and give customers the opportunity to join the fuel cell movement.”

This new announcement builds on Toyota’s previous support for hydrogen infrastructure development in California. In May 2014, Toyota announced a $7.3 million loan to FirstElement Fuels to support the operations and maintenance of 19 hydrogen fueling stations across the state. The commitment augments funding provided by the California Energy Commission, and makes Toyota the only OEM to provide working capital for infrastructure development.


Today, we are at a turning point in automotive history.

A turning point where people will embrace a new, environmentally-friendly car that is a pleasure to drive.

A turning point where a four-door sedan can travel 300 miles on a single tank of hydrogen, can be refueled in under five minutes and emit only water vapor.

A turning point that represents many years and countless hours of work by our team to create a car that redefines the industry.

All of us at Toyota believe in a future that will be safer, greener and easier for everyone.

We imagined a world filled with vehicles that would diminish our dependence on oil and reduce harm to the environment.

It was a bold, but inspiring goal. And, today it is a reality.

Our fuel cell vehicle runs on hydrogen that can be made from virtually anything, even garbage!

It has a fuel cell that creates enough electricity to power a house for about a week.

This is a car that lets you have it all with no compromises.

As a test driver, I knew this new fuel cell vehicle had to be truly fun to drive – and believe me, it is. It has a low center of gravity, which gives it very dynamic handling.

After surviving millions of miles on the test track and 10 years of testing on public roads in freezing cold and scorching heat…

After passing extensive crash tests…

And after working with local governments and researchers around the world to help make sure it is easy and convenient to refuel…

We are ready to deliver.

The name we’ve given to our new car is Mirai, which in Japanese means “future.”

We believe that behind the wheel of the Mirai, we can go places we have never been, to a world that is better, in a car that is better.

For us, this isn’t just another car. This is an opportunity – an opportunity to really make a difference. And making a difference is what Toyota is all about.

The future has arrived. And it’s called Mirai.


 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.


mamma mia che merda di macchina.

Quando pensi che Toyota non riuscira mai a fare porcheri peggiori di quelle che ha appena fatto, voila che ti sorprende ancora una volta.



Certo che se questo è il futuro, è proprio brutto! :lol:

Some guys they just give up living

And start dying little by little, piece by piece

Some guys come home from work and wash up

Then go racin' in the street

Mirai (futuro in giapponese)

passato remoto in italiano.

lascio perdere ogni possibile commento su questo "oggetto" su ruote.

Mazda MX-5 20th anniversary "barbone edition" - Tutto quello che scrivo è IMHO



Se devono uscire obbrobri del genere mi faccio ibernare nella speranza di venir scongelato quando ci si sposterà grazie al teletrasporto!!! Dio mio che roba...non riesco manco a definirla...mancano proprio le parole...


cribbio! fa schifo al metro quadro. non la prenderei nemmeno gratis, ma come si fa nel 2015 a presentare un auto cosi brutta, ma veramente bruttissima. forse hanno deciso che non vale la pena venderla.mamma mia!!! vergogna!!


Mi vien da piangere, sembra un tuning malriuscito "easteuropestyle" la Regione non se ne sbatte a tempo debito di quelle porcherie che chiamano strade lascio le macchinette con touch grattascroto agli altri, il mio prossimo acquisto si chiamerà Panda 1000 4x4, Suzuki SJ413, Vitara JLX o Terrano II 2.7 TDI......

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