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Koenigsegg Regera (Spy)

Touareg 2.5

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Koenigsegg announced plans to return to the United States earlier this year and new details are starting to emerge about the company's plans in America.According to Car & Driver, there will be at least four North American dealerships and they will sell the Agera and an all-new model that will be announced sometime next year.

Little is known about the latter model but the magazine is reporting it and the Agera will be fully compliant with U.S. and Canadian safety regulations. This means we can expect them to be fitted with smart airbags and other mandated safety equipment.

Unfortunately, the cars won't be cheap as the Agera will reportedly sticker for $1,650,000.


Con l'annuncio dello sbarco negli States, Koenigsegg ha confermato l'arrivo di una nuova supercar per l'anno prossimo.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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