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Curiosità: ma il nome FXX K è stato volutamente scelto (oltre che per seguire la "nomenclatura" della precedente FXX) per rimandare alla parola Fuck? Le X sono nel posto giusto (e quella K sul finale :§) e se la scelta del nome è voluta anche per questo motivo quelli in Ferrari sono dei geni. :idol:


"Qualche emiro che compra una Ferrari lo troverò sempre. Ma se il ceto medio finisce in miseria, chi mi comprerà le Panda?"

Sergio Marchionne


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Nota di colore: sui siti anglosassoni hanno subito notato che il nome è pericolosamente (e adeguatamente) simile a "FxxK" :mrgreen:
Ferrari Named Its New Car After Explicit Coitus And That's FxxKing Great

Ferrari just unveiled the FXX K, a hybrid V12 track monster with 1,035 horsepower and 50 percent more downforce than the already bonkers LaFerrari. But the best part is that its name is basically Fuck. And Ferrari knew exactly what they were doing. Naming its fastest ever car after explicit coitus is brilliant.

Italy's most famous automaker always comes off as rather serious. While the cars, especially the recent models, are fantastic fun to drive, you don't envision the people running the company are having a laugh. They exert a staggering amount of control over who can purchase certain models and are even rumored to put the squeeze on well heeled buyers if they don't order cars with enough options.

Now, the FXX K is one of those cars that you can only buy if Ferrari says it's ok. You can't take it home, you have to keep it in Maranello, and Ferrari will bring it out for you to drive when they say you can.

It's all very protected and secretive. It's also awesome.

We expected that the car would be called LaFerrariXX, because that's how the 599XX was named and it made sense. But FXX K, where the K stands for KERS, makes the name just a cleaned up expletive.


What's great is that Ferrari has totally embraced it. I imagine a moment where they were going to call it the LaFerrariXX, but when it came off the track, the test driver said "Cazzo. Che ma veloce." Or, in English, "Fuck. That's fast."

Then the marketing departments got wind of the test driver's reaction and decided to find out how they could get away with naming the newest, fastest Ferrari after one of the most infamous of the seven dirty words. It's sheer marketing brilliance and totally makes up for the naming farce that is LaFerrari.

Thankfully, Ferrari is publicly embracing it.

Ferrari's North Europe PR man Jason Harris has been talking about the name on Twitter all morning. To say that he's enjoying the reaction is an understatement.

Ferrari Named Its New Car After Explicit Coitus And That's FxxKing Great


Ferrari to give many FXXKs

Earlier today Ferrari announced a new ultra high performance car called the FXXK, marking the start of a whole new range of extreme models from Maranello.

The FXXK will be followed by a de-tuned version created specifically for the Italian market called the FXXK IT, a completely unrestricted model, the FXXK U, and a very hardcore variant in which all stability systems are permanently disabled, the FXXK OFF. Joining this trio later next year will be a radical long wheelbase model using iniezione nitroso, or nitrous injection, called the FXXK IN L.

If these cars prove successful, Ferrari sources say there may be room for a version with a full F1-style energy recovery system, the FXXK ERS, and a manual transmission variant which will also boast hybrid regenerative power and the ultra stiff suspension of a racing car, called the MTHR FXXK R.

The introduction of the FXXK also marks the start of a new naming policy for the whole Ferrari range. Under the revised badging scheme, all cars will receive the distinctive XX lettering, starting with the replacement for the 458 which will be a sports car with a turbocharged engine and therefore known as the SXXT. A spin-off version with a folding roof will be the CXXT.

‘This is all shitting brilliant,’ said Ferrari director of naming, Stefano Tourette. ‘COCKING FLAPTITS’ he added mysteriously.



3 milioncini

Dovendo ora risanare le casse di FCA (:disp2:), han pensato bene che urge mungere i nababbi col petrolio.

Un solo commento: FxxK, che F(x)CA :mrgreen:

La teoria è quando si sa tutto e niente funziona. La pratica è quando tutto funziona e nessuno sa il perché. Noi abbiamo messo insieme la teoria e la pratica: non c'è niente che funzioni... e nessuno sa il perché! (Albert Einstein)


Ma... a parte i (giustificatissimi) ettolitri di bava...

Qualcuno mi spiega la funzione di quegli alettoncini alti e stretti? Illuminate la mia ignoranza ;)

Some guys they just give up living

And start dying little by little, piece by piece

Some guys come home from work and wash up

Then go racin' in the street

Ma... a parte i (giustificatissimi) ettolitri di bava...

Qualcuno mi spiega la funzione di quegli alettoncini alti e stretti? Illuminate la mia ignoranza ;)

Se guardi sono localizzati ai lati dell'abitacolo. Vanno quindi a lavorare su flussi d'aria che non vengono sporcati o comunque disturbati da quest'ultimo.

Scritto in origine da ACS

Ora basta seghe, vi prego. Pare una riunione protomassonica di preadolescenti di fronte all'oblò degli spogliatoi delle ragazze in prima media...

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