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Press Release:

Volvo Cars’ S60 Inscription: tailored to the U.S.

  • New Volvo S60 Inscription comes with extra spacious interior and high-end luxury design
  • Focus on elegance and comfort
  • Launches at the 2015 Detroit Auto Show

Volvo Cars is stepping up to the plate yet again when it comes to delivering a luxury car experience with the launch of the S60 Inscription. Tailored to meet the discerning requirements of U.S. consumers, the S60 Inscription takes the S60 to a new level of comfort and rear passenger convenience, offering consumers 3.4 inches additional rear seat legroom, resulting in best-in-class rear accommodation.

“As a part of our revitalisation of the Volvo Brand in the United States we have undertaken extensive research reaffirming what our customers want and have come to expect from Volvo Cars. It goes without saying that the traditional strength of Volvo Cars product offering are still highly sought after – specifically leading-edge safety, low-impact, high-performance powertrains and standard connectivity across all models. What we have added to the S60 Inscription is a luxurious edge using the most natural materials, attention to detail and our iconic Scandinavian design language,” said Lex Kerssemakers, Senior Vice President, Product Strategy & Vehicle Line Management at Volvo Car Group.

The choice of materials used in the S60 Inscription succinctly reflects the authentic Scandinavian origins of the Volvo Brand. Linear Walnut trim, silk metal detailing, spacious rear seating and a unique 19” wheels, combine to create a relaxing environment that exudes comfort. Additional enhancements include interior accent lighting and Inscription branded tread plates

The 2016 model year S60 Inscription will come in two variants: Premier and Platinum. Premier will comprise leather upholstery, a sun/moon roof and the Sensus Navigation package. The S60 Inscription will be available with the T5 in both front-wheel drive and All-Wheel Drive.

Platinum customers receive the above, plus the full Sensus technology package, a high-end Harman Kardon audio system, dual Xenon lights and a thoughtful convenience package, which puts the joy back into every day driving.

“With the addition of a great sound system by Harman Kardon and full connectivity, Volvo is delivering a truly competitive offer in the mid-sized sedan segment,” added Lex Kerssemakers.


Dalla Cina con furore, importiamo la S60L in USA e mettiamole "tutto" sopra.

Modificato da Touareg 2.5




IMHO, il passo lungo le dona abbastanza.

La teoria è quando si conosce il funzionamento di qualcosa ma quel qualcosa non funziona.

La pratica è quando tutto funziona ma non si sa come.

Spesso si finisce con il coniugare la teoria con la pratica: non funziona niente e non si sa il perché.


Ci sono anche delle foto fatte da un fotografo più alto di venti centimetri e magari non con un grandangolo fisheye? Mannaggia a lui, non riesco manco a capire quanto è lunga la macchina :disp:

Comunque pare molto fica.

There's no replacement for displacement.


Anche tu ti ecciti palpeggiando pezzi di plastica? Perché stare qui a discutere con chi non ti può capire? Esprimi la tua vera passione passando a questo sito!


Se togli il legno diventa più anonima di un'Audi random dentro.

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