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futuro Fiat

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tratto da, post di FABIVIO!

premetto che io non credo affatto a quelloc he si scrive..... ma comunque è interessante da leggere

da :

FIAT is still in serious difficulties but headlines concerning the Turin-based automaker report more and more positive news. The new mini and micro vans Idea and Panda are well accepted, because of reasonable prices, decent quality and nice looks. Nevertheless, the problems are immense. Sales of the compact car Stilo is nothing but a disaster, the Multipla and other niche models surly do not earn the money their production takes. Recent investments and developments show that the Italians have learned from the mistakes they made and plan to proceed the current track record, which admittedly presupposes they will have the money to realise their ideas. Presently it looks like this intentions, such as a new mini car and an upper midsize model, aren't affordable without fresh capital.

Initially it should be provided by General Motors. But, in view of Detroit's current financial situation, the Americans are not interested in being involved in monetary rescue maneuvers at Italy. FIAT now will sue for the money. Insiders say about a compansation of a few billions US$. Nonetheless, Italian statements regarding GM's refusal sound as a proof of typical South European proud: FIAT doesn't need the support from the other site of the Atlantic, they said. Reality is a bit different in fact. Italy's most important automaker is in big debts and it seems the banks aren't willing to risk losing even more money when recovery fails. In addition, the Berlusconi administration already has been indicated that father country won't take it under his wings. Furthermore, strict recovery concepts as usually applied by the Germans - and in case of Nissan also by Renault - are deemed to fail because of the influence of the Italian unions, local politicians and the church.

Says, shrinking them down to a profitable size doesn't come into question, especially when directed from outside. This is, all in all, why experts doubt that FIAT will survive without new successful investments. Also Volkswagen thinks so and has already been announcing a strong interest in buying Alfa Romeo - FIAT's brand for emotive everyday cars. Just in case the Italians arrive at the point of being convinced of needing any money. Seniore Montezemolo, boss of the FerrariMaserati group which belongs to the FIAT holding, and not to FIAT Auto like Alfa Romeo for instance, recently said he thinks Alfa would perfectly complete the company he leads. In view of the planned close cooperation of Volkswagen and the FerrariMaserati group in matters of technology and distribution, it seems there are two singing the same tune.

Our guess is Alfa Romeo will become a part of Montezemolo's sports car section soon, which allows FIAT to make sure that Alfa remains Italian as well as holding share in it. Wolfsburg will certainly be ready to transfer a nice price for a share in the new Ferrari-Maserati-Alfa combine. Thus, VW would profit from the noted Italian brand names, their know-how and the gain it earns. Turin gets a few Euros from VW - which would be very welcome there. In other words FIAT could remain Italian and Ferrari, Maserati and Alfa cars become products of a German-Italian joint venture. Everybody happy? We think so. VW's appetite for more brands would be satisfied as well as Fiat Auto's hunger for fresh capital. Italy's soul won't have to cry about the loss of any national automotive identity symbols, and Aston Martin will be proud of being the only European sports car maker that doesn't use components from VW, in contrast to Bugatti, Lamborghini, Maserati, Ferrari and Porsche.


Ciao e buona giornata


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