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quanto ti piace la Fiat TIPO 2016?  

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  1. 1. quanto ti piace la Fiat TIPO 2016?

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Messaggi Raccomandati:


Croatian police:

After many years of Škoda Octavia as a 1st choice there is a rumor they will opt for different option for next lease. Some were talking about Ford. But maybe FIAT overtook them all.

  • Mi Piace 3
On 8/6/2016 at 14:43, Bare dice:

Croatian police:

After many years of Škoda Octavia as a 1st choice there is a rumor they will opt for different option for next lease. Some were talking about Ford. But maybe FIAT overtook them all.

Interesting, let's see what happens. It is a good choice also for the Police.

Ciao e buona giornata


  • 3 settimane fa...

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