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Quanto ti piace l'Alfa Romeo Giulia 2016?  

558 voti

  1. 1. Quanto ti piace l'Alfa Romeo Giulia 2016?

    • Molto
    • Abbastanza
    • Poco
    • Per niente

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4 minuti fa, AleMcGir dice:



Che sboroni in Alfa ! :mrgreen: Beh...Però è vero, almeno sulla carta stampata ! :lol:

Modificato da pennellotref
  • Mi Piace 1

. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:

On 3/1/2017 at 22:43, Cosimo dice:

pericolose invasioni di gamberi







in attesa del report intero della sfida a 4 meglio leggere cosa riporta un fan BMW americano riguardo alla puntata (è abbonato)..: musica per le orecchie..


What he forgot to mention is that although the reviewers were impressed with the M3 CP, they were blown away by the Alfa that combined the ATS V great handling, the AMG C63S power and the M3 interior. One of the reviewers recommended a the Alfa to his friend to purchase. Both reviewers loved the Alfa handling which they considered "next generation" on par with the ATS V meaning that it was very neutral and with the electronics helping driving pleasure instead of hindering it (in reference to the M3 and AMG Electronic nannies too present). They also loved the quick (but not twitchy) steering of the Alfa allowing drem to drive quicker for longer. In comparison they rated the M3's steering as overly heavy and lifeless... They were so impressed with the Alfa that they said the car made them want to drive it over and over again.They both rated that the Alfa was the perfect sports sedan criticizing it only for its grabby low speed brakes and subpar infotertainment.





  • Mi Piace 9

Imagination is more important than knowledge.."Albertino Einstein"

42 minuti fa, RayLaMontagna dice:



Recensione superba! (scherzo... :mrgreen: ... Amo gli Ammerigani!)


se me la porta per una settimana gliele faccio io due riprese... xD

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