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comunque a me il concept originale non diceva nulla...questa mi piace il richiamo alla avrei preferito che il remake interessasse tutta la carrozzeria :(

PETIZIONE 125 in Superstrada e Autostrada

La Desmosedici è una moto difficile, quando dai gas vibra e si muove, ma è una sua prerogativa perchè se non ti fai spaventare vedi che tutto funziona. [Casey Stoner]

Da quanto mi è parso di capire sarà anche molto meno "macchina" di 4C, ovvero molto meno godibile su strada.

A posto allora, pensavo avrebbero puntata su un abitacolo più raffinato e delle maniere più "cortesi"... così non ne capisco il senso, sopratutto vedendo le linee bah-nalotte degli esterni.

boh, strano perché Renault di solito fa cose da catenella d'oro su petto peloso, questa invece per me ha il fascino di una baguette...


Boh, a me piace. Soprattutto il 3/4 posteriore sarà quel sapore un po' vintage/GT junior come diceva Cosimo. Sinceramente bisogna vedere quanto va, come va e quanto costa. Degli interni mi frega pochissimo, penso però che non avrà quasi bagagliaio

Mazda MX-5 20th anniversary "barbone edition" - Tutto quello che scrivo è IMHO



Potrebbe essere il raro caso dove la versione di serie... potrebbe essere più carina rispetto alla concept (celebration).

Guidatore medio di S.w. mi piacciono le auto , fumatore Light e AD INTERIM convivente... questo è nicogiraldi....

875kg - 260+ cv i numeri del mio piacere


Intervista di Autocar al boss Alpine:

Alpine boss: 'we must be unique to succeed'

Following the unveiling of Alpine's Celebration concept car at Le Mans, the firm's boss says the French brand must be unique if it's to compete

  • alpine-asdewr-concept-2015-007_0.jpg?itok=85N7kJ-G

by Autocar

14 June 2015

The Alpine Celebration concept car, revealed at the Le Mans 24 Hour race this weekend is a statement of intent from Renault as it prepares to relaunch the Alpine brand in 2016.

Following the car's unveiling, Autocar caught up with Alpine boss Bernard Ollivier to see what the future holds.

Does this confirm that a production car is on the way now?

“Yes and no. Yes because it’s a sign that we are beginning to get the concept, but it’s not finished. Our objective through Alpine Celebration is to assess. It is very difficult for us - we have to relaunch a brand. This is very rare on the market. And it is very difficult to be sure what kind of expectations customers will have, and at the end what kind of profitability we will have.

"For instance, you have seen the Alpine Celebration in the village [where it is on display to the public]. If I change the logo and I put Renaultsport, or Porsche, or Lotus. Is there a difference of assessment by people? If they are interested. It is very important for us. What kind of people? Perhaps if I put Porsche it’s not the same customer than if it is Alpine or Renault Sport. So it’s quite a survey.

"We think… we have our idea. Our objective is to validate our idea or to change. My opinion is that the potential customers are very modern so they are waiting for a modern car, but of course if you buy an Alpine, you are waiting for a real Alpine.

"A real Alpine means the DNA of Alpine, which is light, fast and fun to drive. So our proposition with Alpine Celebration is that we think a new Alpine should be - firstly, a modern car, with a modern design and modern technology. Secondly - a car which also shows the heritage."

It’s a very difficult balance then?

"The design of the car is very, very important. Probably 80% of the decision to buy a car is down to the design. So it’s very, very crucial.

"But after that, there are other points, the positioning of the car, performance, comfort and of course all the economic topics with the profitability."

Is there a timeframe to launch the car?

"We would prefer to be sure than to be quick. But also this is not only about France. France is quite a small market. Of course, I think about Germany, the UK, Japan etc. And this car will go to Goodwood in the UK.

"I am very interested because I know British people love cars. The design is quite close, it is not an Italian design. It will be very interesting for us to measure the feedback from Goodwood."

So you are still deciding on your markets, as well as the technology of the car?

"No. For me there are some topics that are not to be negotiated, because it is in the DNA. And the DNA of Alpine is not negotiable. The ratio of lightweight vs power is not negotiable, it’s the DNA."

Has developing the road car been a challenge?

"My challenge is the market has not waited for us. All the places are taken by carmakers and so we have to take our place. For that we need to be very strong on our uniqueness. If we copy Lotus, or Porsche, why will we succeed?

"It’s possible we will succeed because our car will be different. An Alpine has to be different to a Lotus."

What can you tell us about the final product?

"If you see our car, you can see this car will be useable daily. The car will be elegant, with the French idea of elegance. Simple, fluid, and very uncomplicated. It will be special. So we think these topics are not in the market today. So we have our place.

"There must already be quite a bit of confidence that there is a market for Alpine. What gives you that?

"I am confident we will be able to find the good solution. But today we have not finished solving the remaining issues. For instance, the profitability hot topic. If the profitability is low it means we are not sure on the long-term future. It is very important for me and for the Renault Group to build something for the long-term."

What customers are you aiming for with Alpine?

"The customers for Alpine cars won’t be the same as for Renault. For instance, even the customer for Renault Sport is probably young, not very rich, and he is buying a car which is useable for all the things he has to do.

"For Alpine, it’s not that. It is very passionate people, quite rich, probably it’s the third or fourth car for them. It’s a car only for pleasure for the weekend, not to drive a lot, only for pleasure. Is this customer going to go to a Renault dealer to buy an Alpine? I’m not sure, because you want to get a very, very dedicated service."

Is this concept close to the final product?

"We will modify this concept using feedback from today, tomorrow and Goodwood. We will modify, we will look for a good balance. I’m not sure this is for next year – the timing is dependant on our ability to make the right car."

Simon Strang

Mi pare di capire che sarà una macchina meno estrema di 4C.

La teoria è quando si conosce il funzionamento di qualcosa ma quel qualcosa non funziona.

La pratica è quando tutto funziona ma non si sa come.

Spesso si finisce con il coniugare la teoria con la pratica: non funziona niente e non si sa il perché.


Uh che bella! Questa è un'Alpine.. non quel "coso" del concept...... :clap

Non vedo l'ora che qualcuno ci corra qualche rally nella categoria GT....


Intervista di Autocar al boss Alpine:

Mi pare di capire che sarà una macchina meno estrema di 4C.

E per fortuna aggiungerei, pensa se non lo fosse stata :azz:

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