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Quanto ti piace la Tesla Model X 2016?  

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  1. 1. Quanto ti piace la Tesla Model X 2016?

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batteria da 90 kWh, capace di garantire un’autonomia di circa 386 chilometri, e una potenza complessiva di 762 cavalli, di cui 259 provenienti dal motore anteriore e 503 da quello posteriore. La velocità massima è di circa 250 chilometri orari.

Le Tesla Model X Signature Series in consegna a settembre hanno un prezzo base di 132mila dollari

  • 3 settimane fa...

Sold out ;)

Tesla's Model X is sold out until the second half of next year

Tesla pushed back the delivery estimates for its all-electric SUV the Model X to "the second half of 2016" from "early 2016" Thursday.

The automaker had a record month of reservations in August, according to Electrek, receiving 1,730 last month to bring the total to 31,195. The backlog could explain why the website updated its expected delivery date.

The automaker is expected to begin limited Model X deliveries September 29, as planned. Tesla initially planned to continue filling existing reservations for the rest of 2015 and then open up sales for those who hadn't preordered in early 2016. Now it looks like people filling out new orders will have to wait for later in 2016. The Model X has been undergoing testing on the road.

This is not the first time Tesla has altered its delivery model for the Model X. Tesla first projected deliveries of 55,000 Model S and Model X for 2015, which it then softened to between 50,000 and 55,000 in a second quarter investor letter. The updated projection was a result of ramping up production for the Model X.

"We do think it's going to be a challenging production round on the [Model] X," Tesla CEO Elon Musk said on a conference call with analysts after the company reported second-quarter earnings. "We only want to deliver great cars. We don't want to drive to a number that's greater than our ability to delivery high-quality vehicles."

Tesla CEO Elon Musk also said that the Model X "may be the hardest car to build in the world."

For now, it looks like hopeful Model X drivers who haven't preordered will have to wait a little longer. In the meantime, learn everything you need to know about Tesla's next car.

ordinata la scorsa settimana. arrivato oggi questo. :attorno::pen:


Ti arriverà a pezzi come in edicola, si inizia vestendo il guidatore :mrgreeen:

Complimenti per l'acquisto comunque :clap


per fortuna sono automatiche, se no non ci arriverei :lol:

per un cassone del genere comunque l’elettrico ce lo vedo benissimo :agree:


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