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La Cadillac era la rappresentazione del sogno dell'americano medio di diventare ricco, non migliore, non più aristocratico (avrebbe comprato Rolls) ma soltanto più ricco

quindi auto lunghe 6 metri e 3 metri quadri di cromature, pinne grandi come timoni di deriva di un Boeing, cofani grandi come campi di tennis

cosa è rimasto di quel sogno? ha ancora senso "la Cadillac" oggi? se ha ancora un senso, e non lo so se, ancora non hanno trovato il modo di rappresentarlo in forma di auto

Ci sono leggi da rispettare, non esistono più quelle auto!

Comunque, quando possono, almeno ci provano :mrgreen:


Cadillac | Luxury Convertible Concept Car - Ciel

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Le mie app sull'AppStore: QUI


Ad Autocar proprio non è piaciuta:



2016 Cadillac XT5 Platinum review

Big US XT5 SUV is coming to Europe but not the UK, which is a relief on this evidence



What is it?


Cadillac is the latest manufacturer to have clocked the fact that the world (and not just the US) loves SUVs. So it’s going to start making lots of new ones – four of them, to be precise – all sitting below the ‘iconic’ Escalade in its range.

The first new Cadillac SUV is the XT5. It sits between a BMW X3and a BMW X5, although it is closer to the latter in size. For those of you who know your North American SUVs, the XT5 replaces the quirky-looking SRX in Cadillac’s range. Google it.

It’s the first model to be based on Cadillac’s new architecture for SUVs: a flexible structure that will go on to underpin the other three promised models. One will be bigger than the XT5 (yet not as big as the Escalade) and the other two smaller.

The word ‘new’ is mentioned a lot in the blurb on the XT5, and is used to describe the engine and interior among other things. But if looking at the pictures and reading this light overview of the XT5’s vitals has you rushing towards the phone wishing to order one immediately, you can’t, dear UK resident.

Brexit or no Brexit, Cadillac is offering the XT5 only in mainland Europe. Now, why could that be?


What's it like?


Ah. That’s why. It’s, erm, not very good. It has plainly been set-up exclusively for wallowing around on US highways (and there’s nothing wrong with that per se, for that’s what 99% of the XT5s sold will likely do), but the fact is Cadillac offers it for European buyers on European roads leaves it open to criticism.

The whole thing lacks sophistication. This is quite worrying when this is the first SUV off a new architecture with the world ‘global’ in it, which could in time produce smaller, more Euro-friendly models that could make it to the UK if Cadillac follows up its interest in making models with right-hand drive, and diesel and plug-in hybrid drivetrains.

It doesn’t ride very well at all. Bumps at low speeds are felt too readily in the cabin, and any kind of undulation or dip in the road at higher speeds sends the body wobbling. The body control feels close to non-existent; any passenger suffering from car sickness should take the train instead. When the body moves, you sway around with it.

It doesn’t ride well and it doesn’t handle well either. The steering feels springy around the centre and is devoid of any feel. When you corner, you feel like you’re in the sidecar of a racing bike, helping the thing balance itself round corners.

The XT5’s all-new engine also underwhelms. There are normally aspirated engines to be celebrated and preserved, but this all-new Cadillac engine isn’t one of them. It feels gutless and doesn’t sound great either. It’s smooth enough, and the eight-speed transmission is fairly slick-shifting once you’re on the move, but it never feels as brisk as those power and torque figures make out. What it does feel is anaemic.

Redeeming features? It’s spacious, and offers plenty of room for all passengers and their luggage. The driving position is nice and visibility is good. There’s also a shed-load of equipment included as standard, including loads of active safety stuff, an infotainment system with a full suite of connectivity functions such as Apple CarPlay, a 34-speaker Bose sound system and everything else is electrically-powered and adjustable. Indeed, the only option is colour.

Not that the cabin is particularly great. The perceived quality is a level below the likes of Audi and BMW, and some of the switchgear on the steering column and steering wheel looks straight from the bargain end of the GM parts bin.


Should I buy one?


Even if you wanted to buy an XT5 officially in the UK – and you really shouldn’t – there is no official channel in which to do so. Phew.

All of Cadillac’s models fall short against European rivals overall, but at least they’ve all got a bit about them: the CTS-V has explosive performance, the CT6 has a distinct character and smooth ride and the Escalade has a real presence.

But the XT5 has no such raison d’être on European shores. It’s blooming expensive, and just not suited to our roads. It’s a somewhat pointless exercise for Cadillac to offer it this side of the Atlantic in the first place. Move on, nothing to see here.


La teoria è quando si conosce il funzionamento di qualcosa ma quel qualcosa non funziona.

La pratica è quando tutto funziona ma non si sa come.

Spesso si finisce con il coniugare la teoria con la pratica: non funziona niente e non si sa il perché.

16 minuti fa, superkappa125 dice:

Ad Autocar proprio non è piaciuta:



Sulla severità del giudizio va fatta la tara sul fatto che in UK hanno i loro suv da "difendere", dai Range fino alla F-pace.

1 minuto fa, Kippur dice:


Sulla severità del giudizio va fatta la tara sul fatto che in UK hanno i loro suv da "difendere", dai Range fino alla F-pace.


Però della CT6 parlano abbastanza bene, nonostante sia una rivale di XJ. :pen:


Peraltro in UK manco viene importata, questa XT5.

La teoria è quando si conosce il funzionamento di qualcosa ma quel qualcosa non funziona.

La pratica è quando tutto funziona ma non si sa come.

Spesso si finisce con il coniugare la teoria con la pratica: non funziona niente e non si sa il perché.

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