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Da vedere comunque, perché magari l'ipotetico "programma ECO" di VW potrebbe non essere una funzione utilizzabile nel concreto dall'utente.

Ad esempio: magari rischiava di usare troppa urea, o di funzionare in una maniera dannosa a lungo termine ;)

No, dico, in VW avrebbero potuto farla franca se avessero messo un tasto "barbaEco" e dichiarato all'ente che esisteva il barbafirmware. Poi sì, avrebbe dovuto regalare qualche bidone di urea ai clienti

Mazda MX-5 20th anniversary "barbone edition" - Tutto quello che scrivo è IMHO


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Da vedere comunque, perché magari l'ipotetico "programma ECO" di VW potrebbe non essere una funzione utilizzabile nel concreto dall'utente.

Ad esempio: magari rischiava di usare troppa urea, o di funzionare in una maniera dannosa a lungo termine ;)

ma tanto il lungo termine non interessa alla normativa :)

A loro interessa la "trasparenza" degli accorgimenti usati.

Poi, se devi fare urea ogni 1000km son problemi dell'utente che si incazzerà con la casa, ma a livello di forma saresti a posto...


Some critics have complained that the 4C lacks luxury. To me, complaining about lack of luxury in a sports car is akin to complaining that a supermodel lacks a mustache.

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E' uscita la lista... si sono dimenticati di inserire la mia:pen:.. non capisco perché.. la Golf Variant 184 CV e la Leon 184 CV ci sono :attorno:

Next step in clarifying the CO2 issue

• Affected Volkswagen Group models of the current model year have been


• Customers being informed via website

• Discussions with the authorities have begun

The Volkswagen Group reports that the vehicles of the 2016 model year affected by the CO2 issue have been identified. There is thus now clarity about the new vehicles of the current model year out in the marketplace. On 3 November 2015, the Group had already reported that irregularities may have arisen in determining the CO2 figures for type approval of around 800,000 vehicles. This was identified during its own currently ongoing investigations and had been made public.

The internal investigations into the current vehicles of the 2016 model year provide results for narrowing down the actually affected vehicles with implausible CO2 figures. In total for the 2016 model year approx. 430,000 vehicles are affected across the Group. A list of the individual brands' affected models is attached.

In order to expedite any possible reassessment of the vehicles' CO2 figures without delay, the relevant authorities are being informed of the latest findings. At the same time the Volkswagen Group is informing its importers and trading partners.

The next step will now be, for example for the Volkswagen brand, for the new CO2 figures to be determined under the supervision of the German Federal Vehicle and Transport Authority (KBA).

Over the coming week, the brands' national customer information pages on the Internet will also be added to with information on the CO2 issue. By entering their vehicle identification number (VIN), customers can find out here whether their vehicle is affected. For the Volkswagen brand in Germany, for example, the link is

To what extent models of previous years are affected continues to be looked into in conjunction with the authorities. Based on what is known at present, the Volkswagen Group continues to anticipate that this will be the previously communicated total figure of around 800,000 vehicles. The Volkswagen Group is in addition already in dialogue with the respective countries' financial and fiscal authorities so that all taxes arising in direct relation to the CO2 issue are charged straight to the Volkswagen Group and not to the customers.

What is sure is that the vehicles' safety is definitely not affected and there is therefore no need for any technical measures to be taken


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In ogni caso mi pare fondamentale grassettare questo punto :clap

No need for any technical measures to be taken

Ammesso che sia vero :attorno:

Sulla CO2? Si sapeva fin dall'inizio.

Alfiat Bravetta senza pomello con 170 cavalli asmatici che vanno a broda; pack "Terrone Protervo" (by Cosimo) contro lo sguardo da triglia. Questa è la "culona".

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E' uscita la lista... si sono dimenticati di inserire la mia:pen:.. non capisco perché.. la Golf Variant 184 CV e la Leon 184 CV ci sono :attorno:


Forse perché non è uscito un MY2016 per la GTD? :pen:
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