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Io lo auspico. A maggior ragione leggendo certe cose.

- '13 Toyota Auris Hybrid TS Lounge (dal 2024)

-'03 Ford StreetKa 1.6 Leather  (dal 2022)


My wife said to get things done. You'd better don't mess with



Devono fare la foto della targa e collegamento in tempo diretto con la motorizzazione. Volendo, sapendo le targhe, é fattibilissimo. Volendo. Ma di far rispettare la legge frega più un cazzo a nessuno.


Some critics have complained that the 4C lacks luxury. To me, complaining about lack of luxury in a sports car is akin to complaining that a supermodel lacks a mustache.

Devono fare la foto della targa e collegamento in tempo diretto con la motorizzazione. Volendo, sapendo le targhe, é fattibilissimo. Volendo. Ma di far rispettare la legge frega più un cazzo a nessuno.

Esatto, un po come per l'assicurazione.

Richiedi alla VW tutte le targhe (loro penso lo sappiano) e poi tramite i posti di blocco ZTL e tutto quello che volete controlli.

Da una data X tutte le auto devono essere passate alla VW chi non lo ha fatto via il libretto.

Oppure metti un tagliando sul libretto:

-intervento alla VW che ti rilascia le carte di un corretto aggiornamento

-passa per la motorizzazione che ti fanno un adesivo da porre sul libretto.

Devono fare la foto della targa e collegamento in tempo diretto con la motorizzazione. Volendo, sapendo le targhe, é fattibilissimo. Volendo. Ma di far rispettare la legge frega più un cazzo a nessuno.

La cosa curiosa è che questo vale nelle officine private autorizzate... ma non in MCTC. Non a Torino, almeno.


La cosa curiosa è che questo vale nelle officine private autorizzate... ma non in MCTC. Non a Torino, almeno.

Uno si augura che alla MCTC non facciano revisioni solo a libretto. Almeno, non troppo diffusamente.


Some critics have complained that the 4C lacks luxury. To me, complaining about lack of luxury in a sports car is akin to complaining that a supermodel lacks a mustache.


Un'auto dichiarata Euro 5 ma della quale è stato dichiarato che emette quanto una Euro 3 è illegalissima.

Imperativo il richiamo obbligatorio: perché VAG ha volutamente truccato la centralina in barba alle norme UE che dicevano che quella vettura doveva emettere DI SUO E SENZA TRUCCHI tot di merda per essere classificata Euro 5 e poter essere venduta.

Attualmente sono al livello di una vettura catalitica a libretto alla quale gliel'hanno tolto, o meglio (visto che si tratta di barbafirmware), è come se avesse la centralina modificata e ovviamente non riportata a libretto.

Altro che "vivi e lascia fottere tutto e tutti": ne avessi una di Vag incriminata, cercherei di sostituirla il prima possibile con un'altra non-Vag, perché prevenire è meglio che curare (le casse dello stato e delle assicurazioni in caso di sinistro).... la Regione non se ne sbatte a tempo debito di quelle porcherie che chiamano strade lascio le macchinette con touch grattascroto agli altri, il mio prossimo acquisto si chiamerà Panda 1000 4x4, Suzuki SJ413, Vitara JLX o Terrano II 2.7 TDI......


VW's surreal fix turns diesel scandal into a comedy

AR-311269963.jpg&MaxW=700&cci_ts=20151127045333VW says this diagram shows what is needed to fix an emissions problem in its 1.6-liter diesels.

November 26, 2015 - 9:54 am ET

[TABLE=class: box_article, width: 300]



[TD=width: 180, bgcolor: #EEEEEE]Christiaan Hetzner is Automotive News Europe's Germany correspondent.[/TD]





Two months into its diesel scandal, Volkswagen says it finally has found a silver-bullet solution.

In receiving the blessing of the KBA, Germany's type approval authority, to clean up hazardous emissions from the 1.6-liter diesel, VW has now resolved the hardest aspect of its massive recall as that specific engine required technical modifications.

Not only does the proposed new component bring the cars into compliance in Europe, VW Group believes the fix will not even impede fuel efficiency or engine output.

Fitted directly in front of the air mass sensor, this part is equipped with a mesh that calms the swirled air flow and thus decisively improves accuracy when measuring current air mass throughput, a very important parameter for optimum combustion. That last passage is taken almost word for word from the company's statement.

Pretty darn impressive even if I have absolutely no clue what that means.

The component comes complete with a cool name, too – “flow transformer." It sounds kind of like the fictional Flux Capacitor that allowed a DeLorean to travel through time in the 1980s film "Back to the Future."

VW even put quotes around the name, as I just did, as if they patented the whole idea in the first place. In German it's even better since you can squish the two words together to form Stroemungstransformator.

All I can say is, "Wow!"

So imagine my surprise after watching the company's helpful accompanying video on its website (see below). When a bookish-looking VW manager complete with a properly long job title -- head of diesel development of derivatives and fuel injections systems -- explained the merits of said device as he held it up to the camera for all to see, I was stunned.

Here is a German engineer who can probably plot the torque and horsepower curves of his engines from memory cradling in both hands a plastic tube as if were pure gold.

Low-tech doesn't even begin to describe a part that looks more like something a plumber might install in a kitchen sink to keep it from clogging.

Granted, the media had already reported that VW was working on a low-cost solution, but these days something as comparatively complex as DRAM memory chips manufactured under the most stringent cleanroom conditions can cost only a few dollars each.

VW still doesn’t have an answer for its U.S. diesels, but can you imagine then how the less-trusting Environmental Protection Agency might react had it, and not the KBA, been confronted with VW's Flux Capacitor? Sorry … “flow transformer."

Of course just because it looks cheap doesn’t mean it won’t work. -- I have to assume it does. Volkswagen cannot possibly be dumb enough to announce a fix that doesn't work. They know that environmental advocacy and consumer rights groups won't take them at their word, preferring instead to carry out their own tests to verify the authenticity of VW's claim.

There’s no reason a fix should be ludicrously expensive either, but at least retrofitting all engines with completely different injection nozzles as VW Group CEO Matthias Mueller had initially warned might lead one to understand why engineers were not forming lines to be the bearer of bad news.

Given that, the implication of the fix is truly staggering.

For most of the 8.5 million illegal diesels on European roads, all Volkswagen had to do to ensure it was not breaking the law, polluting the environment or deceiving customers was simply update their software?

And for the rest – the 1.6-liter versions that required technical modifications –- a quick run to their local do-it-yourself chain to pick up a plastic drain trap would have sufficed? Total service time required according to VW: less than one hour, if that. It's almost surreal.

The whole scandal is beginning to sound more and more like a very, very expensive exercise in tragicomedy.

C'è un po' di scetticismo nell'aria......:§

VIDEO: VW outlines measures for fixing affected 2.0 liter and 1.6 liter diesel engines

. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:


minkia vi mancano i fondamentali:

questo non è un


è bensi uno WAM :

"The WAM's overheating! The WAM's overheating! What the hell is a WAM!?! "cit.:mrgreen:


7:32 : Segni i punti coglionazzo !

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