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Acura RL concept

Guest Touareg

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Guest Touareg
With RL prototype, worldwide first four wheel drive power unrestricted control system "SH-AWD" is loaded, "driving such as the revolving efficiency and high vehicle stability which is faithful to the steering wheel operation of the driver pleasure" is actualized at high dimension, that you say.

As for HONDA, adjusting to travelling circumstance with the control of driving force distribution of the front rear wheel of the worldwide beginning and the independence control of rear wheel left and right driving force, four wheel drive system "SH-AWD which distributes the driving force which is optimum to four wheel everything instantaneously unrestrictedly: It developed Super Handling All-Wheel-Drive, "on the 1st announced

SH-AWD judges the driving force distribution to the optimum front and back left and right wheel from handling of the car of the driver and travelling circumstance. Front and back distribution from 30:70 between 70:30, furthermore rear wheel left and right distribution from 100:0 between up to 0:100 is controlled in the stepless floor with "the direct electromagnetic clutch" inside the rear differential.

By the fact that it utilizes even in revolution not only in order to run driving force to front and back, you aimed toward the improvement of maneuverability

Guest Abarth03
Ecco la prima macchina "Jap-americana" che piacerá anche l´europa. :o

Molto equilibrata, ma magari già vecchia in confronto alla 158.

Grazie Touareg.

Bisogna vedere se arriverà in Europa. Come sappiamo, Acura è la divisione di lusso della Honda nel mercato USA. Se arriverà da noi, arriverà come Honda. Una possibile Accord restyling? :roll:


Bisogna vedere se arriverà in Europa.

Hai ragione.

Secondo me Acura meriterebbe più successo della Lexus e farebbe bene anche nel vecchio continente perche sono vere macchine "sports luxury/performance luxury" - :) (altro che la Infinity, terzo brand luxury Jap-americano, non presente ufficialmente in UE)

Guest Touareg

io la Vedrei come un' ACCORD COUPE' in sostituzione a sto coso


l'ultima accord coupe' arrivata qui!!

Ora c'e' questa in America ma nn e' un granche'!



Di niente :wink:


la macchina è carina (forse un po' anonima), belli cerchi e ruote generosamente dimensionati (le altre honda solitamente li hanno un po' ridotti)

però dietro è la fotocopia :twisted: di una Mercedes!

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