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recensione della neozelandese Autocar....

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The new Quattroporte is a born leader, says Autocar

Autocar (New Zealand) dedicates its cover and seven pages to the Quattroporte.

The new Maserati flagship was taken out on the Tuscan roads by journalist Marck Petch during the recent international press test drives.

He gave the Quattroporte a particularly glowing review. What struck the journalist most was the Pininfarina designed body and the elegant interior fitted out with high-quality leather and prestigious veneers.

Performance was excellent, thanks to an engine capable of delivering a thrilling drive. The driver is tempted to play with the accelerator if only to hear the sensational engine roar of the V8. Petch also appreciated the gearbox both in its automatic mode and sports mode. He found it precise and smooth.

Wrapping up his article, Petch states that the new Quattroporte is unique in being a luxury berlina but also car that everybody wants to drive.

It can easily hold its own against rivals like Porsche, Jaguar, BMW, Audi, and Mercedes.

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