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American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI); migliori e peggiori brands del 2015

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Ok, è il solito studio basato su un campione ridotto (meno di 5000 nuovi acquirenti), però i dati son quelli e fanno notizia :mellow: Incredibile il crollo di qualità percepita negli ultimi anni, chissà come mai :huh:




Here are the best and worst car brands for 2015


Results are based on consumer feedback.


Over 4,000 people are polled each year to determine the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) and crown the best and worst car brands. The results are in for 2015.

On the whole, the results aren’t good for the automobile industry. The ACSI shows consumer satisfaction fell 3.7% this year to 79 on the index’s 100-point scale, down for a third-straight year and hitting the lowest point since 2004. The decline isn’t surprising, given the huge number of recalls—a 40% increase over 2014, according to the ACSI survey—coupled with price gains.


The five worst performing brands include Fiat, Chrysler, Jeep, MINI, and Dodge. Those brands brought up the rear, though poor consumer satisfaction doesn’t necessarily translate into lower sales. Fiat Chrysler FCA 1.07% , which owns Dodge, Jeep, Chrysler, and Fiat, posted a poor overall showing in consumer satisfaction (down 5%), yet the company’s sales have gained year over year. Last year, Fiat Chrysler sold 2.09 million cars, up from 1.8 million in 2013 and 1.65 million in 2012.


Here are the top 10 highest-rated car brands:


1. Lexus (Toyota TM -0.02% )

ACSI Score: 84

Year-over-year change: 0%

2. Acura (Honda HMC -0.44% )

ACSI Score: 83

Year-over-year change: 8%

3. Lincoln (Ford F -0.49% )

ACSI Score: 83

Year-over-year change: N/A

4. Mercedes-Benz (Daimler)

ACSI Score: 83

Year-over-year change: -3%

5. BMW

ACSI Score: 82

Year-over-year change: 3%

6. Subaru

ACSI Score: 82

Year-over-year change: -4%

7. Toyota

ACSI Score: 82

Year-over-year change: -1%

8. Hyundai

ACSI Score: 81

Year-over-year change: 0%

9. Buick (GM GM -0.44% )

ACSI Score: 80

Year-over-year change: -4%

10. Cadillac (GM)

ACSI Score: 80

Year-over-year change: 0%


An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated that Consumer Reports runs the ACSI survey. The survey is conducted by the University of Michigan.

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