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Mysterious electric car startup Faraday Future just unveiled a crazy new concept car design for the Formula E series

Faraday Future FFZERO1Faraday Future's FFZero1 concept car.

We'll finally get a chance to see more from secretive electric car start-up Faraday Future in October.

Faraday Future has entered Formula E, a class of auto racing for electric cars taking place in Hong Kong on October 9. The potential Tesla rival entered by partnering with Dragon Racing, an American auto racing team, to become the Faraday Future Dragon Racing team.

“Partnering with Dragon Racing allows us to further showcase our electric vehicle leadership and technical capabilities in one of the most exciting Formulas in the world,” Nick Sampson, senior vice president of product research and development at Faraday Future, wrote in a press release.

Here's Faraday Future's concept car design for the race:

faraday futureFaraday Future

LeEco, a Chinese tech company making its own electric car called the LeSEE while partnering with Faraday Future, said the Faraday Future Dragon Racing team is "a critical part of LeEco’s LeSEE plan."

Faraday Future unveiled its concept car at the Consumer Electronics Show in January. Dubbed the FFZero1, the car is unlikely to ever go into production, but can reach a top speed 200 miles per hour. It can also accelerate to 60 miles per hour in three seconds.

Faraday also described the concept car as completely autonomous — something we can expect to see at least in part in future vehicles.

Formula E announced in November that it will feature a race for autonomous, electric cars aptly named the Roborace, but Faraday Future will not participate in it.

But the unveiling of Faraday Future's concept car was met with some criticism. The startup generated a lot of hype leading up to the unveiling, and the FFZero1 gives little insight to what people can expect in a production vehicle.

The company has also only made incremental progress on its $1 billion factoryin North Las Vegas.

Formula E could give the world a chance to see some of Faraday Future's technology in action.


Mah...vediamo che cosa salterà fuori :mrgreen:

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