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3 ore fa, Bare dice:

GSE T3 MultiAir 120 HP
GSE T4 MultiAir 180 HP

Production in Bielsko-Biala, Poland.


Do you know when the production will start?


1.33 liters vith 180 HP is a huge 135 HP/liter !


I tought it was "only" 160 HP like the 1 liter with 120 HP/liter


Do you know if the GSE will be also produced in a CNG version?


3 ore fa, Bare dice:

GSE T3 MultiAir 120 HP
GSE T4 MultiAir 180 HP

Are this the only two power steps? I read somewhere the full lineup will be 1.0 liter aspirated with 70 hp and turbo with 90 or 120 hp, and 1.3 liter aspirated with 110 hp and turbo with 150 and 180 hp.


Let's be clear. This is an information which can be found by ease. Nothing more and nothing else. 

I do not know which versions of GSE will exist and in which cars they will be offered. Sorry guys, I'm not insider.

  • Mi Piace 1
  • 4 settimane fa...
On 9/8/2017 at 15:36, xtom dice:


Do you know when the production will start?


1.33 liters vith 180 HP is a huge 135 HP/liter !


I tought it was "only" 160 HP like the 1 liter with 120 HP/liter


Do you know if the GSE will be also produced in a CNG version?


There will be many versions of these engines... The actual 1.4 Turbo Multiair has 190hp and 270Nm in Abart Version...

  • Mi Piace 2

Facciamo un favore a questo mondo... Meno SUV, più 4C e Lotus...


On ‎02‎/‎09‎/‎2017 at 14:31, Steve 89 dice:

E su quali modelli? Sulla punto non credo proprio e neanche Giulietta ormai.  Tipo e 500x?

per ora vi lascio un po' in sospeso...comunque, come dici tu, alcuni modelli non vedranno montati i nuovi motori ;)

30 minuti fa, Andrew_87 dice:

per ora vi lascio un po' in sospeso...comunque, come dici tu, alcuni modelli non vedranno montati i nuovi motori ;)

Ipotizzo 500x Renegade Compass e nuova Giulietta..

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