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scusate , è il 2.000 turbo della Giulia?


È il motore utilizzato dalle cugine americane, appena presentato su Jeep Wrangler.

Il GME dovrebbe comunque avere molto in comune con il L4 Alfa Romeo.

Questa versione specifica del GME denominata eTorque è la mild hybrid. La controparte Alfa Romeo sarà basata sulla versione più potente del L4 Turbo accreditato di 350cv e che sarà presentato nel corso del 2018.

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Fiat Chrysler turbo engine built in Trenton is built for the future (at )




Is Fiat Chrysler building a future-proof engine?


The new 2.0-liter inline turbocharged 4-cylinder engine now being built at the company’s Trenton Engine Complex could be close, according to one expert, who notes its adaptability.

“It’s almost future proof,” said Bill Visnic, editorial director at the Society of Automotive Engineers. “It could literally be used almost anywhere throughout the lineup.”


Bob Lee, head of Powertrain Coordination for Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, won’t go quite so far as Visnic, but said that what the company calls its Global Medium Engine, which is also built in Italy, will be produced for the long haul. 


“We definitely engineered the product to have a significant number of technologies that can be applied or applied in combination,” Lee said. “We clearly have an eye on this being around for many, many years.”


That is good news for workers at the plant.


While it’s not clear if any new jobs will result from the $74.7 million investment FCA announced in 2016 to retool Trenton’s north plant for production of the engine, the automaker, which has its U.S. headquarters in Auburn Hills, committed to retain 245 jobs as part of its planning. The Trenton plant employs 1,600 people.


Ultimately, securing a new engine offering can help ensure a particular plant has relevance for years because of the commitment it signals. In the case of this new engine, Lee estimated development time of about 3½ years.


Of course, getting the engine right is key.


Visnic experienced the Global Medium Engine in the new Jeep Wrangler, a vehicle unveiled in November at the Los Angeles Auto Show, and called it "fantastic." The new engine in Trenton has not yet made it into vehicles in the hands of consumers, so the 4-cylinder turbo engines made for the new Wrangler are sourced from the company's plant in Termoli, Italy. Although there's no word on whether that production could shift to Trenton, the company clearly has big plans for the engine even if it has not yet announced which vehicles it will end up in.


The company says that production of the new engine in Trenton is still ramping up.


With a new 4-cylinder engine available, it might be natural to wonder about the fate of the 4-cylinder Tigershark engine produced at Dundee. 


But both Lee and Visnic indicated the future should at least be stable production-wise for the naturally aspirated Tigershark engine. The main technical difference is the turbocharger in the new engine, which forces more air into the combustion process than what a naturally aspirated engine can accomplish on its own.


The new engine gives Fiat Chrysler more performance options even as it tries to meet tightening regulatory requirements, something crucial, Visnic noted, for off-roading in vehicles like the Wrangler. 


Turbo-charged 4 cylinders "easily make V-6 power that gives you more like 4-cylinder fuel economy,” Visnic said.


The Tigershark, he said, is perfectly adequate in many cases, but that falls short when customers demand performance and good fuel economy. The new Wrangler promises 270 horsepower with the 2.0-liter 4-cylinder, which is substantially more than the Tigershark's 180 horsepower, for example.  


“Jeep, in particular, really needed a 4-cylinder with some punch to it,” Visnic said.


That does not necessarily mean the end for the Tigershark, which dates to the 2013 model year, because of the need for a range of engines.


“The good news about our situation is that we have needs for a lot of engines, and all of our plants feel pretty good right now,” Lee said in response to questions about the fate of the Tigershark.


What could feel the squeeze from a turbo 4-cylinder engine are V-6 engines, such as FCA’s Pentastar, but Lee dismissed the possibility that FCA would stop making V-6s, calling them cost-effective and saying that they offer yet another option for the automaker.


Brian Maxim, vice president of global powertrain forecasting at AutoForecast Solutions, noted that the “big wild card” for engine development is fuel economy regulations, which are currently under review for 2022 to 2025.


“Things can change quite a bit as we get closer to that. Right now, it seems that FCA is hedging its bets, so some change would be expected as we get closer to that time frame. Which way things (go) will depend on what happens with the Trump administration’s influence on those rules,” Maxim said.


Maxim suggested that FCA is playing catchup to other automakers because turbocharged 4- cylinders are already in wide use. Lee, however, said that misses the fact that the company’s efforts to tackle fuel efficiency previously focused on higher-speed transmissions, which has now become a focus for other automakers.



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Il Politecnico di Milano partner del progetto Upgrade

L’obiettivo della ricerca triennale è la realizzazione di motori benzina a iniezione diretta in grado di abbattere il particolato

08 Novembre, 2017


“Lo studio interesserà due differenti motori, ovvero il noto tre cilindri di Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, che con  tecnologia Multiair per il controllo del movimento delle valvole di aspirazione e scarico, e un motore monocilindrico ad accesso ottico su cui effettuare una verifica sperimentale dei risultati numerici in termini di formazione di particolato in camera di combustione.
“Il progetto prenderà in considerazione la migliore combinazione delle nuove tecnologie – spiegano al quartier generale – seguendo in parallelo due differenti modalità per il processo di combustione: miscela stechiometrica su un nuovo motore a 3 cilindri da 1 litro e miscela magra su un motore a 4 cilindri da 2 litri.
È prevista infine l’analisi e l’implementazione di filtri Gasoline Particulate Filter per ridurre ulteriormente, in fase di post-trattamento dei gas di scarico, la concentrazione di nano-particelle solide emesse dalla vettura”.
La durata prevista del progetto Upgrade è triennale (2016-2018) e si avvale del supporto di undici partner tra istituti di ricerca, università e aziende: Centro Ricerche Fiat, Volvo Car, AVL, Chalmers University, IFP Energies Nouvelle, Johnson Mattey, Politecnico di Milano, Schaeffler Technologies, Aristotele University of Thessaloniki, Valeo.”


cito un articolo di Repubblica.

E’ finalmente giunto il momento dell’arrivo dei gse 1.3? 


Vuoi vedere che useranno OpenFoam? Da parte del PoliMi c'è dentro il Prof Lucchini?

Di questi ne vendono a secchiate.


[scritto in data 18 Luglio 2013 - Riferito a Jeep Cherokee]


Non ho idea, comunque presumo che per essere scelti per proggetti di ricerca, i nuovi motori gse/gme siano veramente da best in class per le rispettive categorie 



Guangzhou Automobile : to Execute GSE T4 Engine Project | 4-Traders (at )





SHANGHAI, May 17, SinoCast -- Guangzhou Automobile Group announces that the board of directors has approved execution of the GAC Fiat Chrysler GSE T4 engine project.

With an investment of CNY 688.8 million, the project is designed with an annual output of 210,000 engines and is scheduled to come into production at the end of 2018.


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  • Wow! 1
On ‎18‎/‎01‎/‎2018 at 00:16, Andreab21 dice:

Non ho idea, comunque presumo che per essere scelti per proggetti di ricerca, i nuovi motori gse/gme siano veramente da best in class per le rispettive categorie 

L'ICE (Internal Combustion Engines) del Politecnico di Milano fornisce consulenza a chi paga ;)

E in questo caso si fanno delle joint venture per coinvolgere altri enti e portare a casa fondi. La bontà del motore in se non entra in gioco.

Ricordo quando ero in tesi ed entravo in dipartimento, uscivo dall'ascensore e dentro una teca c'era il V12 Lambo.

Mi fa piacere vedere che sono sempre sul pezzo, io non metto piede in dipartimento da anni ormai

  • Mi Piace 2

Di questi ne vendono a secchiate.


[scritto in data 18 Luglio 2013 - Riferito a Jeep Cherokee]

On 17/1/2018 at 23:02, Andreab21 dice:

Lo studio interesserà due differenti motori, ovvero il noto tre cilindri di Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, che con  tecnologia Multiair per il controllo del movimento delle valvole di aspirazione e scarico,


Noto a chi? Multiair sulle valvole di scarico e sul 3 cilindri? E "che" cosa? Madò che pressappochismo.

  • Mi Piace 1

Mazda MX-5 20th anniversary "barbone edition" - Tutto quello che scrivo è IMHO


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