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Quanto ti piacciono i concept Volvo 40.1 & 40.2?  

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  2. 2. Quanto ti piace la Volvo Concept 40.2?

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Volvo 40.1 Concept





Volvo 40.2 Concept







Volvo Concept 40.1 e Volvo Concept 40.2 sono due concept di Volvo sulla nuova piattaforma CMA che anticipano i futuri modelli Volvo S40 e XC40. Novità per i nuovi 3 cilindri Driv-E e nuovo cambio doppia frizione a 7 marce.






“Each member of our product family has its own distinct character, just like the members of a real family. CMA has helped us to capture something special, something youthful in our new concept cars. They have an energy, a disruptive and engaging urban character that makes them stand out amongst the crowd. This is the flavour of small Volvos to come,” said Thomas Ingenlath, Senior Vice President, Design, at Volvo Car Group.


Volvo’s small car strategy is an essential element in its ongoing global operational and financial transformation. The Swedish company is currently implementing an ambitious revitalisation plan that will reposition the brand to compete with its global premium competitors within the next four years.


Volvo’s new global small car range will include a pure battery electric vehicle as well as Twin Engine plug-in hybrid powertrain variants, in line with the company’s commitment to the electrification of its entire portfolio. Volvo plans to have sold a total of up to 1 million electrified cars by 2025 globally.


“By taking a modular approach to both vehicle architecture and powertrain development we have succeeded in leap-frogging many of the players in the premium segment,” said Dr Peter Mertens, Senior Vice President Research & Development. “Our new battery electric powertrain variant opens yet another exciting chapter in the unfolding Volvo story.”


On top of their daring exterior design and electrified powertrain options, the new cars will also offer a full range of innovative connectivity services, plus the world’s most advanced standard package of safety features and ground breaking Scandinavian interior design.


“The new 40 series cars have the potential to improve our market penetration in an important growing segment,” said Håkan Samuelsson, president and chief executive. “An electric powertrain program including both a new compact Twin Engine plug-in hybrid as well as a pure electric car are central to the CMA architecture.” He added that the first new 40 series car is expected to go into production in 2017.


The announcement of Volvo’s new global small car strategy comes on the back of a strong start to the year in terms of sales and profitability.


The company announced revenues for the first three months of the year rose 24 per cent year-on-year to SEK41.7bn, generating an operating profit of SEK3.1bn and an operating profit margin of 7.5 per cent. Global sales for the first quarter of 2016 increased 11.9 per cent to 120, 591 cars. Volvo has a medium term ambition to sell 800,000 cars a year, up from 503,000 in 2015.



Dettagli sull'ibrido Volvo con doppia frizione e motore elettrico integrato: Volvo - Doppia Frizione Ibrido Getrag 7HDT300


  • Mi Piace 1



Inviato (modificato)
20 minuti fa, SevenOfNine dice:

Sbaglio o è rialzata anche la nuova S40?

Vediamola con dei cerchi umani... ;)


11 minuti fa, Robert1 dice:

S40 = una specie di Octavia, molto più bella

XC40 = Un Tivolone in salsa svedese

A mio gusto il posteriore XC40, sebbene non meraviglioso (e pure un po' Juke) è moooooolto meglio del Tivoli.

Modificato da madmaf

Some guys they just give up living

And start dying little by little, piece by piece

Some guys come home from work and wash up

Then go racin' in the street

1 minuto fa, Beckervdo dice:


No...era già iniziata


Incrociata l'altro giorno sotto casa.

Dopo i primi 5 secondi di completa confusione mi ha fatto tenerezza. E non m'è dispiaciuta!

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